(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)
On another occasion, he gives us more detail.
“Most people don’t know … that the law of physics governing life in this universe holds that nothing with the low frequency vibrations of darkness can enter the high vibrations of fourth [or fifth] density.
“This includes physical bodies, activities, plans, dogmas, laws, customs, rituals—everything devised with dark intent to control the populace; everything that is harmful to body, mind and spirit; everything that for millennia kept your world mired in third density will be ending within months.” (1)
Even whether a person survives the shift to a higher vibration or not is a matter of science, Matthew says:
“By the laws of physics that govern life in this universe, a closed mind cannot absorb the light that enables physical survival in the higher vibrations of fourth density. Earth’s residents in her Golden Age will choose to live in peace and harmony with each other and with all of Nature.” (2)
“It is simply the physics governing life in this universe that bodies bereft of light cannot survive in those higher vibrations. In short, all those who have been causing fearful conditions will be disappearing.” (3)
In the afterlife world now, our vibratory level decides where we reside. Again it’s just a matter of physics:
“Nirvana [Matthew’s name for the afterworld] comprises many flexible energy layers, and in accordance with the laws of physics that govern life in this universe, souls transitioning from Earth automatically are drawn to the layer that is commensurate with their lifetime energy that was registered moment by moment in the infallible Akashic records.” (4)
It isn’t Gaia who decides who will go forward and who will not, Matthew tells us. It’s science.
“It is not Earth who decides which of her beloved children will make the trip with her—she wants ALL to go!—and it is not an arbitrary basis that determines who goes and who doesn’t; it is just plain physics.
“The light of raised consciousness and spiritual clarity—the knowing that all life in this universe is inseparably connected with God and all other souls, and living accordingly—carries a frequency that enables physical survival in the energy planes where Earth is heading.
“Those who ignore the urging of their souls and instead choose to stay oblivious to this universal truth, do not have that light; and without it, they remain in their lower frequency that prevents bodies from surviving in higher energy planes.” (5)
Matthew also explains the return of balance to the world through the increase of the Light and the decrease of the dark as matters of physics:
“Balance is the reconciliation of light and dark, but since the dark resists proximity to the light, darkness keeps dimming until there is only light in its full brilliance.
“Thus in light there is the balance that was achieved and in darkness there is none because it withdrew from that state in its choice to avoid being near light, which it fears. “That rather personifies those vastly differing frequencies that are physics automatically at work within universal laws governing energy.” (6)
Finally, he tells us, that everything in future that sees the manifestation of a world that works will also be by the laws of physics:
“Everything about Earth will be altered in the higher densities in consonance with the physics that enable and govern an optimum environment for life to flourish on the planet.” (7)
If we want to learn the laws of physics in a multi-dimensional content, then for starters we’d have to learn (1) the nature and application of the universal laws, (2) the properties of the dimensions, (3) the properties of the divine states, (4) the manner in which things are created, preserved, and transformed, etc., etc.
That having been said, it’s also true, in my understanding, that our ability to learn and the learning technologies available to us will constantly improve in the coming years.
Matthew’s use of a scientific metaphor – the laws of physics – has helped me understand the universal laws. It also provides a useful tool for further exploration. And it helps me feel more comfortable with entering a new field. It’s a metaphor I already know and feel comfortable with, if only at a very simple level.
And, in my view, it’s applicable throughout the twelve dimensions, a statement which goes against current paradigms. The laws of physics simply have different ways of manifesting in the different vibrational levels.
(1) Ibid., May 1, 2012. On another occasions, he says:
“Everything devised with dark intent—from random violence and corruption to laboratory-designed viruses and satanic worship—will end. By the laws of physics that govern life in this universe, the low vibrations of darkness cannot enter the high vibratory levels of fourth density. Because individuals who persistently refused the light have carbon-based cells that can’t survive in high vibrations, they will die and their dark activities will cease.
“There will be no en masse exodus in December [2012]. Some in the dark camp have died, and during the remainder of the year, along with the souls who choose not to stay on the planet for other reasons, the rest of the dark ones will be leaving due to the same kinds of lethal conditions that have caused death all along. Some may live long enough to be prosecuted for their criminal acts, and yes, if a person died and clones carried on, the laws will apply to the last clone because continuing the person’s illegal or ungodly ways was the purpose of cloning.
“When those times come, we urge you not to despise the persons, but rather their acts against humanity, and then let go of that negative emotion. Hatred, resentment and desire for revenge teem with low vibrations whereas forgiveness is so light-filled that forgivers take leaps in spiritual growth. All light sent forth to persons who became captives of darkness strengthens these weakest in our universal family, and that enables all souls to move closer toward reintegration with God.” (Ibid., Apr. 1, 2012.)
His timeline is off, as has been that of anyone who has ever put a date to anything, but the process he describes is, in my view, undoubtedly sound.
(2) Ibid., June 3, 2012.
(3) Ibid., April 23, 2011.
(4) Ibid., Nov. 14, 2014.
(5) Ibid., Feb. 24, 2008.
(6) Ibid., July 2, 2007.
(7) Ibid., June 2, 2007.