Initiations for the Christed Group Avatar
Launching Sunday, February 3
A critical threshold has been reached in the evolution of human
consciousness. This now admits us into greater initiations held
within the radiation of our higher power.
The Rites of Passage deliver a series of initiations to propel your evolutionary spiral. They serve as a ritual of summoning showing you the way forward to fulfill your life’s purpose and divine plan.
This is a year long journey that guides you through portals of consciousness to initiate your matrix shift beyond what is currently known.
Accomplished as a collective endeavor, this work will further assist activation of the new human species, referred to as the Homo Divinus and its Avatar Race.
It is by divine decree that the awakened ones who walk this Earth during these accelerating times will fulfill the prophecy of the “second coming of the Christ”.
This magnificence is being realized as a collective frequency, a ‘Group Avatar’ of invincible influence.
This will be like turning yourself on as a cosmic lighthouse and shining those rays upon your precise blueprint for the expansion of consciousness to occur.
You will be lead, step by step, through an immense shift that supports remembrance and reunification of who you are as a great divine being. This is designed to bring transfiguration to your entire energy matrix.
Most of us have been preparing all our lives to go the distance in this sacred quest. The time is now and the gates have opened even wider to manifest our highest dreams and visions.
This is going to be one expansive year beloved Avatars,
so gather your ability to focus as you rise to meet your destiny.
Know your life purpose and soul plan
Connect and thrive with your higher power
Rise into leadership and humanitarian service
Elevate your vibrational presence
Give higher quality service to others
Authentically embody your supreme Presence
Enrich the quality of your life
Propel your ascension spiral
Give great stability to your consciousness shift