11th January 2019. Mike Quinsey.
Dear Ones, the dark night has passed and the Light is now the dominant force upon Earth. So please try to release yourselves from any attachment to that which is the remnant of the negativity that still abounds on Earth.
Be assured it is in its dying days and is slowly losing its power to interrupt the progress of those who tread the Path of Light. You have waited so long for the time that is manifesting now, and soon you should see the signs that indicate great changes are coming that will be beneficial to those on the Path of Light.
There is more help for you than ever before and you only have to ask your Guides for help and they will be there for you. Indeed some of you will become aware of contact being made with you in your dreamtime by recalling the experience upon awakening. Such contacts will become more common and you are likely to “feel” the presence of your Guides in your waking state.
The time you are in now is very different to that prior to 2012, as you have already grown in your understanding because of the powerful Light that now pervades the Earth. It will help fully awaken those who are ready to move into the Light, and with an expansion of consciousness they will quickly move onto the Path of Light.
There cannot be any other outcome as the Creator has decreed that Ascension will take place, and no mortal or even awakened soul can alter your decreed destiny even if they so desired. As you become more enlightened so your mere presence and vibrations will help uplift those around you.
Help them by all means if they express a desire for more information, but try not to go beyond that which they wish to know. When they are ready, you may be sure that they will seek answers from you or someone else who is capable of giving that information.
The curtain has lifted and the truth of all matters is on hand, and as you seek so shall you be led to those sources or people that can help you. Many advanced souls are on Earth who have been waiting for this time, some are the younger generations who have come with advanced knowledge and information to share with you, and help give answers where their experience is needed, and you only have to ask for it.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. It is certainly needed in the middle of so much confusion.
This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.