(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)
Jesus discusses A Course in Miracles and who the “I” is that is the way, the truth, and the life.
“Transcript of an Hour with an Angel, with Jesus, Jan. 16, 2012,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/ascension-as-of-2012/the-masters-speak/transcript-of-an-hour-with-an-angel-with-jesus-jan-16-2012/.
Steve Beckow: Lord, when the prophet Malachi assumed the name Imperator and spoke through the Reverend Stanton Moses – you’re aware of that channel, are you not? (1)
Jesus: Yes.
SB: When he did, he brought along with him Plotinus, Al Ghazzali, Athenodorus, and other exalted beings whose names have slipped my mind. (2) You were saying that A Course in Miracles involved a group of beings. Can you name any of the others?
J: You can think of it as the group of ascended masters. You can think of it in that way.
SB: Okay. You are the head of the Great White Brotherhood, are you not?
J: I am considered the honorary head. I would never imply that I am the head of the Great White Brotherhood. The Great White Brotherhood, like many of the brotherhoods, is also part of the Council of Love. So we are all connected, and all one. But yes, I am part of this esteemed group that loves to teach.
SB: Okay. I have a question from myself, and one that I would like answered for myself, if you would. Jan Ruusbroec in the Middle Ages once described the Christ, saying this:
“In this darkness an incomprehensible light is born and shines forth; this is the Son of God in whom a person becomes able to see and contemplate eternal life.” (3)
“It is Christ, the light of truth, who says, “See,” and it is through him that we are able to see, for he is the light of the Father, without which there is no light in heaven or on earth.” (4)
Is that light indeed the Christ in its essential form?
J: It is the Christed light, yes, you are correct. In its fullest form.
SB: All right, now, it’d be such an important thing for me if you could discuss your relationship to that Light. Were you embodying it in the fullest manner? Was that your role or mission? Or what was your relationship to the Christ?
J: That has always been the fullness of my mission, in whatever form I have taken. I am the Light that burst forth. I am the Light that came from the heart of One, from the heart of God. And my purpose in all this relationship was to simply ignite not only what has been referred to as Heaven and Earth, but far beyond.
If you look to my essence, dear friend, all you will see is Light. That is all there is. And it can assume relationship, and after relationship it can assume various forms. But it is – Light that was beyond the Christ Light. Can you think of it as a tiering? It was an implosion, explosion of Light, and it has never changed. And it will never change.
SB: And when you say, “I am the Light,” who is “I am”? Are you speaking as Jesus, or are you speaking as the Christ, as the Light?
J: No, I am speaking as the Light. The Light that then transfers [transforms?] into the Christ Light, that then transfers into the being that you, sitting here this night, call Jesus. But you were asking about my essence.
SB: I am. Is that Light that became the Christ, is that the Father?
J: Think of it as a replication of the Father. It did not take away from the Source. It just expanded it. It is part of the infinite extension of creation. It is not born the way you think. It is just an explosion of Light that is.
SB: And that is not the Holy Spirit you’re describing?
J: That is the feminine. And when that also explodes, it becomes the Light. And I am that blend.
SB: All right. Well, there’s definitely more for me to understand than I do at present because that is a very deep explanation and not one that I certainly fully comprehend at this moment.
J: It’s not what you expected.
SB: No, no, it’s not. No, of course, it isn’t, but then my view is simplistic. How can it be otherwise? I know that.
J: You are not a simple man.
When you think of creation, when you think of all that is, the creation is more Light. And that initial Light that bursts forth is who I am. …
SB: Could you comment, please, on the teaching that some people say that belief in you will remove all sin? Is that an accurate statement?
J: If you believe in me – and I am going to do this to you, Steve. I am going to turn it around again – I am going to say if you believe in me the way I believe in you, if you love me the way that I love you, the way that the Mother/Father loves you, the way that Sanat Kumara loves you, Archangel Michael loves you, if you love in that way, then there is no sin, because you are in alignment. (5)
There is this belief that good people do bad things. That is not so. When you are in the truth of your being, your mind, your heart, your soul, and if you believe in love, then yes, anything, anything can be forgiven. But the biggest obstacle has always been the forgiveness of self, forgiveness of each other.
SB: Well, there are some who consider that there are levels of knowledge, from mystery to belief to thought to feeling, to actually touching something, and on up to an enlightened or natural knowing. And they say that belief is a low dimension of knowledge. If I simply believe in you as I believe in Visa or MasterCard or the government, so to speak, is that enough to –
J: No, of course not. That is like believing what you are watching on TV, or believing in what you see on the news.
What I am asking – and I invite you to believe in me the way that I believe in you – is to come to know me. The belief is the starting point, the faith is the starting point, but as you come to know me, you come to know all. As you touch me, you touch all. If you know and believe in me, then you are there, you are home. But we do not believe in the way that it is used colloquially or in these levels.
Because if there is a small child who only holds belief, if there is a man on Wall Street that only holds belief, or a shepherd in the Sudan, do I say no, because they have only believed? It is these ones that I feel very often the most attraction to appear to, so that they will have their belief confirmed.
So do not underestimate belief. But I mean it in the truest heart-sense of belief. I do not mean it unwittingly buying whatever is told to you. It is what you explore with your mind and your heart and your very core, and what seems to you to be beyond question. And therefore through that you come to know. It isn’t always through study. Or sometimes the study is directly with me.
SB: That’s very clear. It sounds to me that what you mean by believe in me is somewhat similar to what you mean by “Come to me.”
J: Yes.
SB: “Approach me, love me.” Is that correct?
J: That is correct. And it is an open invitation. …
SB: Can you talk to us about Nicodemus and your interaction with him? What was happening there at a deeper level than the words indicate, Lord?
J: It was a soul-to-soul conversation. It was an awakening of his being. It was a plea for belief in justice. It was an opportunity to shift some axis almost of power. That is what was taking place.
SB: And he was a member of the Pharisees, was he not?
J: Yes.
SB: So he was a member of the powers-that-be of that age and was taking a tremendous risk in talking to you, was he not?
J: He was taking a risk, but understand, he was also representative of a group. So it was not as great a risk as you might assume. You know the Pharisees did not care for me.
SB: Yes. [laughs] Yes.
J: But there was what appeared on the surface and then there were the true questions that we were asking one another. And it was his opportunity to shift and to become a very active supporter. And part of his question to me was, “Will you continue on this journey that you know is going to lead into trouble for you?” That was the real conversation, and what was the purpose of it. And it was about faith.
(1) “Imperator” is the first source I’m aware of who spoke clearly of these times. For more on his ministry, see “Imperator’s New Revelation” at https://www.angelfire.com/space2/light11/nmh/imperator1.html Though an Old-Testament prophet, Imperator, in reality the prophet Malachi, bent the knee before Jesus as the one he ultimately reported to.
(2) Writes Michael Tymn:
“[Stainton] Moses continually asked for the earthly identifications of Imperator and the others. Imperator initially refused, informing Moses that revealing their earthly names would result in casting additional doubt on the validity of the messages. However, Imperator later revealed their names, advising Moses that they should not be mentioned in the book he would write.
“It was not until after Moses’s death that the identities were made public by A. W. Trethewy in a book,The Controls of Stainton Moses.Imperator was Malachias, the Old Testament prophet. Rector was Hippolytus and Doctor was Athenodorus. Imperator took directions from Preceptor, who was Elijah. Preceptor, in turn, communed directly with Jesus.
“Other communicators in the band of 49 included Daniel [Vates], Ezekiel, John the Baptist, [Theologus] (1) Solon, Plato, Aristotle, Seneca, Plotinus [Prudens], Alexander Achillini [Philosophus], Algazzali [Mentor], Kabbila, Chom, Said, Roophal, and Magus.” (Mike Tymn to Steve Beckow, E-mail, 15 March 2008.)
(3) John Ruusbroec in James A. Wiseman, John Ruusbroec. The Spiritual Espousals and Other Works. New York, etc.: Paulist Press, 1985, 22.
(4) Ibid., 74.
(5) Yes, moreover, if I loved him with the transformative love that exists in the higher dimensions I’d either be visiting them or be ascended to them. If I loved him as he loves me, I’d be ascended.