In the midst of writing something about CEDAW (to come out later), I remembered what Archangel Michael said to me in my last reading, Dec. 5, 2018:
“There will be a time in the very near future when you will feel the need to be more vocal, to be more directive, to certainly be more in the true mantle of your divine authority.” (1)
This is that time. I confess I do feel that way. Energized. Focused. Determined.
Here I am, banging on the anvil, (2) wanting the world to get organized.
I hear John Kennedy saying in the background, “We shall put a man on the moon by the end of this decade.”
Some people think we should send all men to the moon – no time like the present. It’s Kennedy’s use of a deadline that always fascinated me.
Following his example, I now declare, on my own divine authority, that we will, before or by January 1, 2020, bring peace to Earth and end all other society-wide human-rights violations and crimes against humanity.
It’s time for everyone everywhere on Earth to lay down their arms, except in peacekeeping and crime prevention. It’s time for borders to be open and wealth to be redistributed. It’s time for the world to begin thinking about the world’s problems, global problems.
The migration of poorer folk to regions where wealth is concentrated is, as far as I can see, predictable. It’s a result of the concentration of wealth in fewer and fewer hands. Everyone wants to survive.
If we don’t want migrations to continue, we have to decrease the disparity between rich and poor. In other words, we have to share.
Seeing to the needs of everyone on the planet is in the nature of the higher-vibrational realms we’re headed for.
This is not radical talk. It’s not leftist or rightist. It’s a description of how the higher realms work. Everyone is seen to in the higher realms of life.
At some point we’ll have the means to make things happen globally and painlessly. I wish we had those means now. Every homeless person I pass, I think, “I can’t help you now, but soon I will be able to.”
That doesn’t lessen the divine fire in the belly.
We have until Jan. 1, 2020 to bring the world to peace – to zeropoint in hostilities – and end the persecution of everyone on Earth.
It’ll only happen by us doing something. The easiest thing to do is, before next weekend, go out to your local surplus store and buy something yellow. Then wear it on Saturday. Isn’t that easy peasy?
And send us in a picture of you wearing it. (3) Tell us what city or region you live in. We’ll post it on Saturday. Here’s me:
Everyone on Earth on Saturday in yellow: An end to war by Jan. 1, 2020. An end to war by Jan. 1, 2019. It all depends on how much divine fire is in everyone’s belly.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Dec. 5, 2018.
(2) In American Revolutionary times one of the ways of alerting the citizenry would be to bang on the blacksmith’s anvil.
(3) Through “Contact Us.”