(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.)
The Cities of Light are a vast and fantastic subject; therefore my articles are only a bare bones introduction.
I highly recommend listening to Linda Dillon’s complete series on SoundCloud. (1)
This is how the Cities of Light journey commenced for Linda:
At around the mid 1990’s, Linda began hearing about this strange City of Light that people could actually see just off Vero Beach in Florida (location of the fallen Atlantis.) At around the same time, Linda started hearing about this phenomenon called “the Wingmakers.”
In 1972, there was a discovery in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, of a series of pictographs that they thought dated from the 8th century, but these pictographs were completely different from any known Indigenous Art.
This discovery was quickly turned over to the National Security Agency because it was suggestive of an Extraterrestrial – or ‘Star Family’ presence, as Linda would call it. The caverns became known as Project Ancient Arrow. (You can search Project Ancient Arrow to learn more about it.)
Then in 1994, there was a rock slide in Chaco Canyon and 23 chambers opened up in Cave Dwellings, that were filled with Art, Music, Philosophy and Poetry. Again, this discovery was turned over to an even more secret branch of the NSA.
Even though it became a “secret project,” there were many whistle blowers, so information got out about these Chambers. What was discovered in the 23rd chamber was a small optical disc that held digital information that was the key to understanding what these artifacts meant. The scientists went at it, but were baffled.
The creators of this ‘Time Capsule’ represent themselves as the Wingmakers. They live about 750 years in the future. They claimed, and the evidence showed, that they were Culture-bearers. Planting seeds of Art, Science and Philosophy to Humanity. Much of that information was buried.
The Wingmakers brought with them a very precise mission: To leave behind a massive time capsule that would be opened and discovered in the late 20th century.
Linda never imagined it was part of her mission to bring forward information on the Cities of Light. However, in December 1999, at an annual gathering of the Council of Love in Sedona, Arizona, when Linda began to channel, a being named ZenZuriah stepped forward. Linda later learned that ZenZuriah was one of her future selves, her Wingmaker-self, situated about 80,000 years forward.
On the night of December 12, 1999, a date Linda will never forget, ZenZuriah took Linda and the entire group of about fifty people, to an incredible City. It was as if there was a laser beam going into all minds, records and Third Eyes. All saw the exact same vision, which they learned after the channeling while comparing notes. They were all taken to what appeared to be a Crystal City. Beautiful. Glistening. Beyond imagination. And that was Linda’s first exposure to the Cities of Light.
What exactly is a City of Light?
According to ZenZuriah, Wingmaker, inhabitant of several Cities of Light, messenger and channel, “Cities of Light are crystal cities of the future, places of peace and harmony, where love prevails. That is why they are called Cities of Light for you could make this interchangeable and call them Cities of Love. It is where we all walk freely.” (2)
Linda explained that basically, these future cities are of a higher-vibrational frequency and located all over the globe. Each of these cities has its own purpose, its own field. Just as each of our cities on current Gaia are known for different things: New Orleans for its art and entertainment, New York for its theatre and culture, London for its palaces, castles and museums, etc.
Linda was led to where she currently resides, in Port St. Lucie, Florida. This is where she first began to hear of the Atlantean City of Light rising off the coast of Florida, that many have been seeing off Vero Beach. It is supposed to be a City of Healing and is very much one of St. Germaine’s. Each city has a slightly different field and different vibe and each city is anchored in its own dimension.
For instance, Port St. Lucie is anchored in the 7thDimension, the Dimension of the Christ Consciousness and of Love.
Terranasea, which is a City of Light that encompasses Yosemite, Lake Tahoe, and Grass Valley, is anchored in the 9thDimension.
Linda explained that we each – consciously, unconsciously, subconsciously, or dreaming – have been visiting these Cities of Light as our current selves. It is where our future selves reside.
This is the way ZenZuriah described them: You can think of the Cities of Light as the Cities of Love. We are your future selves, and when you continue, we continue, and when you give up, our light fades.
ZenZuriah went on to share that Terra Gaia was always meant to be an interdimensional portal of Love so beings from everywhere could come and have this experience of what it felt like, in all kinds of forms, to live in a community of Love. There is nothing more important.
ZenZuriah also talked about how this is a time of differentiation; sometimes we know but we forget, how this time of differentiation is how we’ve shifted.
We’re not in a period of just clearing. We’re in a time of leaving issues, structures, and institutions behind. We’re going forward on our next phase of our journey. And what doesn’t fit, or what isn’t of love, gets shed. We’re simply leaving it behind.
It’s not as much about grappling with issues as it is about surrendering them.
When Linda first channeled ZenZuriah, and every time since, as she starts talking about the Cities of Light and how this is our future selves, it literally boggles Linda’s mind. What struck Linda, right in her heart, to the core of her being, was the level of the earnest plea that their literal future existence depended on the decisions and actions we’re taking right now.
The exciting news is we’ve moved from the Cities being 80,000 year in the future, to 800 years in the future, and now we’ve moved even closer to 80 years in the future.
(Kat note: I’m hoping we can cut those 80 years to 8, and then to 4, and then to now. I’ve never been a patient person.)
What are we doing? What does “soon” mean? We in our light and love work have been pulling, volunteering, building, and anchoring Nova Earth, with our prayers, affirmations, meditations, visualizations, actions, kindness, and love. We’re literally bringing in and anchoring these Cities of Light.
As of this writing, there are 78 Cities of Light that Lightworkers are striving to anchor on Gaia. Linda provides a list on her website. (3)
(1) Linda Dillon and the Council of Love, SoundCloud httpss://soundcloud.
(2) ZenZuriah Channeling by Linda Dillon, November 5, 2010 https://counciloflove.com/2018/