According to Gateway Pundit, (1) a voter-fraud operation was discovered in Democratic Broward County, Florida.
According to a former Secretary of Elections Department employee, there’s a secret room where Democrat insiders filled out absentee ballots.
The affidavit by Chelsey Marie Smith accuses Broward County officials of filling out blank absentee ballots. She allegedly saw officials filling the ballots out at the Supervisor of Elections headquarters.
Q seems to suggest that this is just the first of a wave of allegations of voter fraud in both 2016 and 2018 elections.
Will this see various 2018 elections annulled? Or is it a prelude to NESARA/GESARA (2) in which all elected officials will be required to step down?
(1) November 4, 2016, at httpss://
, “UPDATE: TRUMP CAMPAIGN PREPARING LAWSUIT Against Broward Co FL Sec of Elections Brenda Snipes,” Gateway Pundit,(2) One of the stipulations of the National Economic and Security Reformation Act is that all elected officials need to step down and new elections are to be held. See NESARA at , “What is NESARA?” at, and NESARA, GESARA or the Abundance Program at