While Sheldan recuperates, I thought I’d post one of his older messages, to say that we’re thinking of him and send our healing love.
What follows is a most remarkable message from 2014 in which his sources appear to be talking about these times.
They seem to be describing “draining the swamp.”
The dark realizes there are forces at work which cannot be defeated. Individuals and groups came together at the end of this last decade and decided to form an alliance to push the dark and its heinous agendas into the proverbial dustbin of history. This process took just over half a decade to accomplish. What is occurring now is the manifesting of a number of policies that are to dramatically change how this reality operates.
Included in this packet are a global jubilee and the resetting of the globe’s financial and governmental systems. These new policies are to encourage abundance, prevent widespread corruption and permit each individual to regain their personal sovereignty. The new governance is to allow you to interact freely with it and truly become its natural benefactor. Finally, there is the matter of disclosure. This one action is to end nearly 13 millennia of lies, deceit and gross manipulation.
What we now describe is a natural process, which often accompanies a rapid rise in one’s consciousness. As one increases in consciousness, a sacred morality begins to form within the individual and especially within the higher conscious bearing society. This frequently leads groups in that society to seek means to improve the condition of morality operating in its higher echelons. This phenomenon is occurring throughout your various global societies, whether they are sacred secret society members or participants in the true ancient ruling families of your globe.
These individuals come together and formulate the strategy required to oust the dark “power brokers” of this reality. We have encouraged this natural process and given the wisdom for its success. As these groups come together and ease the dark ones from power, your societies grow in morality and prepare to give a general prosperity and freedom to all humanity.
This rise of morality eventually forges new governance that recognizes the need to acknowledge our existence. Such governance welcomes our assistance and understands that a general responsibility is in play to permit humanity to become fully conscious. This is where our expertise can be expressed to you. Thus begins an immense exchange of data and wisdom. It is then that war becomes obsolete and the supreme need for divine service becomes apparent to all.
(Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation Update, as received by Sheldan Nidle, May 20, 2014, at [https://paoweb.com/uf052014.htm https://paoweb.com/uf052014.htm].)