Sunday was 58 emails.
Fewer today.
Allow me to answer all, at once.
Lindsay Graham is one of the most partisan senators in congress. His foul speech left me feeling like he and all conservatives have no clue as to the destructive and truly hurtful harm caused by their denial of the testimony of countless girls and women who bravely report abuse by privileged men and boys who prey upon vulnerable females. Your endorsement of his vitriolic speech is proof to me that most, if not all conservatives also endorse ignoring women who report abuse. It’s a real shame that someone as bright and spiritually attuned would be so heartless as to approve of Graham’s diatribe. Please review his speech and your statement about it and print a follow-up stating why you back up his heartless and soulless blame game. I’m extremely disappointed in your statement. It seems you are being mislead into the dark. DO you also believe Kavanaugh would be a good Supreme Court judge? I can’t believe you would be so stupid or callous. Do you also believe that Trump is a good president? Come on, man, get real.
You obviously are much more attuned to these matters than I. All I’m saying is that I was roused by Sen. Graham’s speech. I do not know the man or his record personally. Thanks for educating me.
Gotta just say: The only reason there’s even a vacancy now on the Supreme Court, is that when our dear Obama nominated Merrick Garland – a very moderate, universally respected judge – Lindsay Graham and all other Republicans refused to hold any confirmation hearings at all! So the seat remained vacant for over a year.
Graham’s simply mirroring the anger and frustration felt by Democrats 2 years ago. I’d call that Karma rather than virtue…
Seems like there’s a double standard at our beloved GAOG – one reason apparently so many of us want to scream! “We yell because we care,” as the tee shirt says.
Gotcha. Have no ability to go to that depth, I’m afraid. I just have to accept that what you say is probably true. I do see the tremendous heat that has been generated. I had no idea Sen. Graham was such a lightning rod. I am being educated.
Hello, what did I miss about his speech that you saw as positive or noteworthy? I saw a hateful angry politician angry that his golden boy was being found out and called on his behavior. You must have seen something hopeful that I missed. And I want to see everything hopeful that is possible these days. So honestly, I’d love some insight. I do know Nothing Is As It Seems these days. And Bring It On, Baby!!
Well, I have to say, that I simply heard him speak and was happy (1) that someone’s emotion and their words lined up, finally (my standards must be very low, given all your feedback) and (2) I agreed with what he said.
But, hey, that gets us into measuring Kavanaugh’s fitness for the post and appearing not to honor women’s struggle against sexual harrassment and abuse…. I have no firm idea about Kavanaugh’s fitness and it would never be my intention to subtract from the work to end harm to women.
I do think we’re being bamboozled by Christine Blasey Ford and that the CIA is using #MeToo’s momentum to force through their agenda via and with Ms. Ford.
Minus the anger, I wish everyone in Congress spoke in ways where their obvious emotion and the words they were speaking lined up. That was my basic point.
I am saddened, shocked, and appalled by your attitude toward Dr. Christine Blasey Ford! Only the most hardened cynics (Senators Hatch, Graham, and most of the Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee) as well as the Fox network, can maintain a stone cold heart that will not believe her. She had nothing to gain, and everything to lose by coming forward. She has had actual death threats, and was forced out of her house.
There are no reports of Sen. Graham having any death threats. Neither he nor Kavanaugh have had to move out of their homes. With your comments and video of Sen. Graham, are you a fan of his? His out-of-control tirade only goes to show how partisan he is, and his lack of character.
After all, he is Trump’s biggest fan.
What actual proof do you have that Dr. Ford has CIA connections?
It is not fair or professional to claim that all law enforcement groups like the FBI are bad or part of the Deep State. Individual agents in the FBI are just trying to do their job. If they find that Brett Kavanaugh has been lying, and he loses the vote in the Senate, I will see that as a victory for the Lightworkers of this world.
Kavanaugh lacks the honesty, and well as the temperament to be a Supreme Court Justice. He said in his own angry, out-of-control testimony that he thinks it’s a left-wing conspiracy that’s out to get him. Not true. It was simply an intelligent, well educated, poised woman trying to do her civic duty.
And now that other witnesses are coming forward who know Kavanaugh and are saying the he lied several times during his various hearing appearances, the truth about him is coming out.
I hope you will search your heart further, and change your mind.
I do enjoy reading many of your postings and channelings from various people.
Thank you.
Do I want to marshall all my “proof” on the subject? No. I simply don’t believe Ms. Ford’s story. If I did, I’d be with you, demanding a full investigation.
I’d rather leave it to the FBI (hopefully the agents chosen are not corrupted) and the courts to judge the evidence.
To actually have an opinion on the matter worth considering, I’d have to look at and follow a mound of evidence. It isn’t my job to go as intensively into the matter as it would take to arrive at a really-informed opinion.
And, yes, I am looking at whether I should voice an opinion at all on something I’m not willing to go deeply into: That may be my takeaway here.
I didn’t say Graham had death threats. I said that in pushing back against what I consider to be a CIA operation to defeat Kavanaugh’s nomination, he puts himself in the path of a CIA heart attack or “suicide.” I think it takes a huge amount of courage to do that – but then I don’t know Sen. Graham’s background and the folks who responded here probably do.
If Kavanaugh lied – and they are material lies rather than inconsequential mistakes – then that would probably warrant him being passed over. I don’t plan to watch his hearings; some people have said that he got irritated with the questioning; that might also reveal a flaw that would merit being passed over.
I just don’t believe that Ms. Ford’s case is real; I think it’s “Made in the CIA.” It’s the rogue state that’s threatened with dismantling and I consider them to be fighting back using Ms. Ford.
I will certainly change my mind if and when the evidence rolls in and I find I’m mistaken. Hallelujah! An opportunity to correct my information and true up. I’m happy to do that.
Thanks for sharing, dear heart.
Good points!
Thank you for that.
Thanks for sharing.
Thank you, Steve. NO APOLOGIES NEEDED. It is wonderful to see posts on GAOG addressing current events. I wish our folks upstairs would more often help us better understand what’s behind the many situations we read about in the “news.” I also believe that there is a “true” version of events, and I think most of us need help in finding that “truth.” I am grateful for your work, Steve.
Thanks, mate!
This has been an immensely helpful exchange. Before having it with you, I thought I “should be” reporting on these matters. But what I’ve seen here is that, unless I have the commitment to go deeply into things, I should probably stay out of them.
I don’t have the commitment to go deeply into matters related to Brett Kavanaugh, Christine Blasey Ford, Sen. Graham, or anything similar.
Given my lack of commitment, I should recuse myself from the discussion.
I now see that where before I did not. So thank you for helping me discern the road I should be following.