(Excerpt from a longer article.)
Illuminati Pedophilia: What Is The Role Of The Awakening Community?
Richard Enos, Stillness in the Storm, Sept. 10, 2018
We Are Just Getting Over The Denial
Like most of you, the idea that much of the pedophilia that goes on in the world is facilitated by well-funded, highly organized, ‘above the law’ global child sex trafficking operations would not have even entered my mind a mere decade ago. In fact, I was not even aware that pedophilia was much more than the odious perversions of a few hypocritical Catholic priests and a smattering of other depraved individuals in society.
I have since come to get a more comprehensive picture, thanks largely to information that has begun to proliferate on the Internet. In the aggregate, this information has left me with the inescapable conclusion that not only is child sex trafficking an ongoing global endeavor executed by compromised state agencies like the CIA, but also that pedophilia, child torture, and child murder are an inherent and pervasive aspect of the occult religion and lifestyle of those at the highest levels of power in our world.
Testimony to substantiate this is widely available now in many forms, some of which will be brought to bear in this article series. For now, suffice it to say that if you believe these ideas to be wild, unproven conspiracy theory, I simply ask you to read on with an open mind. Please consider that the very reason that information about this has stayed hidden for so long is that it is so difficult for people to consider something that changes their perception of the world and of humanity in such a radical and frightening way.
For those of us who have gotten over the denial, many are angry. I will note that anger is far better than hopelessness. My hope is that we attempt to transmute that anger into purposeful action. What exactly that action might be would depend on what each individual felt called to do. But let’s first determine what we need to accomplish. I would like to propose three intentions for the awakening community to hold in mind and act upon as each individual sees fit.
1. Protect Our Children
Our highest intention needs to be protecting our children right now.
The work of directly protecting the most precious and vulnerable among us remains the work of very few in the world. Does this really make any sense, if we think about the things we supposedly maintain to be most valuable as a human race?
I cannot speak to the success of organizations that purport to hold the protection of children as their mission. There is evidence that many such organizations have been stealthily hijacked and are now actually fronts for child sex trafficking. This kind of phenomena is not even ironic anymore; using front organizations has widely been documented as one of the most successful strategies the Illuminati has employed in several areas of human activity. As Robert David Steele says in his speech to the International Tribunal for Natural Justice:
“I have found in my research in preparation for this court and all of the work that will follow that most organizations that end up being used to prey on children–Oxfam is a recent example–all of the United Nations organizations, the Boy Scouts of America, all of the Child Services agencies across the United States of America, they did not start out as organizations to prey on children, but they attract pedophiles. And ultimately pedophiles end up rising in the ranks and controlling those organizations, so that an organization that initially started out in the service of children becomes an organization that is, in fact, hunting children.”
And so we would do well to be wary of the kinds of child protective services that barge into a volatile situation and summarily take charge, often with the air of ‘authority’ of law enforcement. Don’t we owe it to ourselves to get to know the various governmental and non-governmental organizations better, perhaps even investigate each one and vet them to the best of our abilities? One clue would be that honest organizations who are working for the general well-being of children seem to have a difficult time getting and maintaining funding, while front organizations seem to have access to virtually unlimited funds. It stands to reason: front organizations make tremendous profits from child sex trafficking, and so they would essentially be self-sustaining. Like just about every type of venture in our current society, big money only arrives where there is a return-on-investment.
Also let’s try to be more cognizant of geopolitical events that may be designed, or at least taken advantage of, for the purposes of child sex trafficking. War-torn areas where parents have been killed, disasters like the Haiti earthquake, mass refugee or immigration movements, or simply places that are maintained in states of abject poverty are ripe for ruthless child sex trafficking operatives to step in and plunder children. As our awareness of these strategies spreads, we are able to increase our collective eyes on the ground, and remove the cover of fog and darkness these crimes operate under.
We also have to come to grips with the fact that some children are actually bred for pedophilia, within the dark confines of the Illuminati system. Most do not live to tell the tale. Only the unveiling of this entire control system will end this. Thus doing so must be part of our intention.
2. Honor Our Survivors
I believe those who have survived child sexual abuse should be treated with the highest respect and honor that we can bestow. Some have stories to tell of personal redemption, and we need to be eager to listen to them, as their testimony represents precious jewels of wisdom and insight about the human experience and who we are. Some are not yet ready to speak, and we must be prepared to give credence to their trauma and hold them in a collective embrace of compassion and acceptance.
Gone are the days where we might have felt the need to adopt a skeptical approach to someone who claimed to have been sexually abused as a child simply because it didn’t fit into our naïve perception of universal human decency; we are now aware that it is truly psychopathic humans that have been running the show. Not only is it likely that most people who talk about being victims of child sexual abuse are not making it up, but also that the vast majority of survivors have not yet come forward, either out of fear or as a consequence of dissociative mind-programming by which they don’t remember or doubt the fragmented memories they have.
The next decade of our lives is sure to be dominated by a profound collective need for healing. It is incumbent among individuals in the awakening community to recognize the systems of dehumanization that have dominated our societies. As these systems break down, we need to focus on the intention to replace them with strong and vibrant systems of healing and support for all individuals in need.
Buy Book The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska
3. Deal With Our Perpetrators
There is nothing unambiguous about this next intention: those who are sexually abusing, torturing, and killing children must be stopped. Of course, this is an overwhelming task, especially if we really try to fathom the magnitude of these operations. In that same speech linked to above, Robert David Steele said that based on his information, he had a working assumption that, annually,
“…the totality of children disappearing worldwide is toward EIGHT MILLION CHILDREN. In the United States of America, the acknowledged number–not counting the children being bred without birth certificates, not counting the children being imported without documentation–is between SIX HUNDRED and EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND A YEAR.”
If this information is true, does it not become an inherent responsibility of citizens of the awakening community to know this, face it, and proliferate this information widely? Do we have the right, as awakened and conscious beings devoted to the evolution of the human collective, to ignore this information and try to convince ourselves it isn’t true? Or that it’s none of our business? Those are questions that each individual needs to ask themselves in the quiet confines of their own mind.
For those of us who feel that we have a role in this, the first thing we can do is overcome a sense of hopelessness and start believing that we as a collective can accomplish our intention. The way things are currently structured, a massive collective awareness that such wide-scale pedophilia, child torture, murder and ritual sacrifice are happening on the planet would go a long way to actually force our current governments to end their complicity in these programs and work to stop them. For those who believe that we cannot make our governments or other institutions work FOR us rather than AGAINST us, it must be understood that it is a small percentage of well-placed Illuminati or Illuminati-supporting people in these institutions that are really directing efforts, and the awakening of the majority of good people within these institutions could be one way to turn things around.
We can take heart in the fact that, on the law enforcement front, there is evidence that the Trump administration is taking more action to apprehend pedophiles and child sex traffickers than any administration in our lifetime. Trump signed the ‘Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption‘ last December and the DOJ can now boast of successful operations such as Operation Broken Heart which oversaw ‘the arrest of more than 2,300 suspected online child sex offenders.’ There are record numbers of sealed indictments on the books this year, and some believe that many of them are for people involved in the global child sex trafficking ring. Regardless, our growing awareness and proliferation of this information can only help to speed up whatever processes are in place to expose child sex trafficking.
The Spiritual Component
Of course, it is understood amongst people within the awakening community that there is an important spiritual component to our intentions. In the bigger picture, this whole enterprise involves bringing about the healing of a ravaged planet and tormented human population. In this regard, we must ultimately see most of the perpetrators of these crimes as themselves victims of intense training, ritual abuse and mind programming that actually breeds dissociative and psychopathic personalities who are able to rise undetected to positions of power in all fields. In subsequent articles, a deeper understanding of these types of personalities in positions of power, and how we can empower ourselves and the rest of humanity in dealing with them, will be discussed.