Steve: It’s time to open the channels of charity. The new economy will largely be run by donors.
Behold Zingdad, having stretched himself to the limit to offer Hawaii a course, now contemplating two more events. Let’s help him out to make this trip the same way you helped Kathleen and I out on the West Coast Express. I don’t think any lightworers are becoming rich by serving.
Here is Zingdad’s donation site: httpss://
Aloha from Maui, where I have just shared a truly life-altering journey teaching Soul Re-Integration at the “Shining the Light of Your Divine Self” retreat.
We arrived as 10 strangers and left as co-creators. As spiritual family!
I have learned so much and grown so much from this experience and will CERTAINLY be creating more such events in the future. Watch this newsletter for more info!
But now, with this event behind me, I am moving on from Maui. I have a wedding to officiate for two of my dearest friends and then the two Light Circle events to host in LA and NYC.
And this brings me to the purpose of this newsletter: an update on some of the specifics on these two forthcoming events…
Here is the latest on these events:
The Los Angeles Light Circle Event
The Los Angeles event will be on Wednesday the 26th and Thursday the 27th of September 2018.
The location is the Los Angeles State Historic Park ( We will gather at 10am sharp a little inside the gates. But be best advised to get there early as we will be moving on as a group to a better location within the park for the event. Look for me, a tall blonde guy wearing a bright red scarf. For fun, you might want to wear a bright red scarf too for mutual recognition!
Once we are situated in the park, the day’s proceedings will begin.
On day 1 we will be doing some deep spiritual work together to heal and awaken your connection to the Divine Light within you.
I anticipate working with you until 2pm when we will break for lunch. After lunch you will be free to stay to socialize with like-minded souls or depart.
On day 2 we will again meet at the same location at 10am and again move to a suitable spot inside the park, this time for the actual Light Circle ceremony. There will be preparation, discussion and then the weaving and birthing of the new Light Circle!
It’s hard to say how long this will all take but, again, I plan to be done by lunch time whereafter, again, you may decide to stay and share or depart.
What to Bring
Weather appropriate clothing and protection like hats and sunscreen. Perhaps a raincoat if light rain is forecast.
Water. Lunch and snacks for yourself and perhaps a little extra to share too.
Something to sit on like a yoga mat or a cushion. Or a camp chair if you need that.
A Note About Donating
Those of you that have been following my work will know that I am “a giver” not “a taker.” I have never actively solicited donations before. But this time is different. I am offering free events so that anyone that wants to come can do so. No ticket to entry. But buying return plane tickets all the way from South Africa is expensive. And, double-whammy, I also can’t work to earn money while I am travelling. And, for those of you that understand forex: because I am here with South African Rands, it costs me 14 TIMES as much to pay for anything in the USA than it does at home. This trip is disastrously expensive for me!
Bottom line: I can really do with your help and support. If you are able to donate to support me with this mission, please do so here:
Thank you!
The New York City Light Circle Event
The New York event will be on Saturday the 29th and Sunday the 30th of September 2018.
The location will be Central Park. I’ve never been to NYC before but I understand there is a subway station in central park at:
79th Street Traverse @ Belvidere Castle
We will meet outside the station entrance in the park.
All of the above info for the LA event also applies here. On both days will meet at 10am and move on to a suitable location soon after. So please rather arrive early. We will work together until lunch and then socialize or depart.
As mentioned, I am “on the road” so detailed updates are difficult but I do plan on giving you some great feedback (with photos and personal experiences) on the amazing retreat that has just concluded in Maui.
There is also a videographer coming to the NYC event! She is kindly gifting her time, energy and expertise to record the event and also managed to source the equipment she will need, all for free! So I do also anticipate being able to share the highlights of this event with those of you who were unable to make it this time.
Importantly: details on these two events might change. There might even be an update on the venue etc. very soon before it begins. Please check back on the event webpage (httpss:// a day or so before and again just before departing for the event to see if anything has changed.
Until you hear from me again…
With love,
Arn “Zingdad” Allingham
PO Box 2100
[email protected]