Assisting Humanity to Transcend Duality Consciousness
Sunday, September 23rd Equinox
We are called to the front lines to help neutralize the mass duality mindset, which is fueling the extremes of hate, divisive rhetoric and violent conflict all over our sacred planet.
Today’s media is ablaze with news of escalating tensions. Seemingly few countries are immune to this rising tide of divisive conflict.
From the potential dismantling of United States democracy, attempted terrorist power grabs in the Middle East, violent hate speech against those deemed ‘other’, there appears to be no end to the many flares of hostile agitation.
It’s as though we have reached a global boiling point which may very well trigger the demise of human culture as we know it.
This is not a time to sit idly on the sidelines. Each and every one of us is being called into sacred action.
On September 23, we will unite to initiate neutralization
of the duality extremes fueling our current crises.
Can we count on your presence this Equinox?
Help Transform A World Divided
The program of duality is perhaps our greatest dilemma as an entire race consciousness. Our highly polarized emotional blueprint fuels the duality extremes that are dramatically outplaying in our world today.
Intensifying protests, racist ideologies, increasing volatile conflicts, vitriolic opinions spewed all over social media… the list is long.
We will never know peace as individuals or as a global culture until we stop polarizing this way or the other and begin perceiving from wholeness.
Our Unity is a Potent Solution
Many of us on the spiritual path have done considerable work in integrating our ‘light and dark’ qualities, bringing an end to the war within.
From this space of holistic embodiment, we are primed to serve as highly effective channels of the transforming universal light.
Our primary intention is to give greater empowerment to humanity’s shift into realized states of unified awareness. This may help to further dissolve the dualistic reflection of enduring conflict and “us” versus “them” mentalities.
The whales are the great record keepers of the evolutionary codes!
During this transmission, Children of the Sun Founder, Tiara Kumara, and her group of 12 initiates, will be in the Tonga region of the South Pacific.
They are receiving the highly transforming harmonics from the Humpback Whales and their codes of universal knowledge. This sacred communion will naturally encode the group blueprint with the frequencies of ascending consciousness.
As an activated group consciousness, they will transfer out these sacred Cetacean codes of evolution to empower this transmission!
Given our main focus of helping the masses transcend duality, the whales offer incredible energetic support through their embodied presence of oneness.
Please join us this EQUINOX, Sunday, September 23 as we
bathe every man, woman and child in the pure waves of union.
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