Credit: KMJ Solicitors
You may be wondering what in the world is going on today.
Let me explain from my point of view and from the point of view of it being 9/11.
As I see it, a group of military and government officials are about to launch history’s biggest round-up. There are alleged to be 50,000 sealed indictments that are about to be served.
Military units are trained, briefed and ready to go.
When they do, the upper levels of what are called the Illuminati, the cabal, the deep state or secret government will be arrested and put on trial. Their assets will be confiscated and, if found guilty, later redistributed.
It’s planned to take down the entire Illuminati power structure throughout the world, including international banking, child-trafficking, the global drug trade, and the global arms trade.
The group that will carry out this operation is what are called White Hats or the Alliance. I don’t think it’d be useful to identify them, if I knew.
They’ve been collecting evidence since I became aware that something unusual was happening on the planet – back in 2007. Back then, as David Wilcock noted, they were known as Faction 3.
Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald was leading a team at that time preparing evidence to seek indictments. What’s happening now is the fruition of their work.
Through lightworkers participating in the spread of abundance, the sequestered Illuminati money will be returned to the people.
Returns from currency exchanges and historical-asset sales, prosperity packages and off-planet gold will all be used to spread abundance around the globe.
In the not-too-distant future, a wider program of political, economic, and cultural reform, called NESARA (for National Economic Security and Reformation Act), will come into effect and more benefits will flow out to the population of the world. But first lightworkers have a short space of time to show what they can do as financial wayshowers and stewards of the Divine Mother’s wealth.
Sequestered technological innovations and inventions will be released, to be joined by new technologies gifted to us by our star family like replicators and free-energy devices.
A Divine Plan exists for the end of one age (the Kali Yuga or Dark Age) and the beginning of another (the Sat Yuga or Golden Age).
We’re entering the Golden Age. None of the abuses and atrocities practiced in the last age can go with us. All of it must go. This is a clean break with the past. And a complete opening to a future world that works for everyone.