(Continued from Part 2, yesterday.)
The knowledge that we are love lies waiting for us, deep within ourselves, Saul tells us:
“You all know, deep within yourselves, whether you have admitted it to yourselves or not, that you are Love, that there is nothing else.” (1)
I do feel a certain unacknowledged certainty that I am love. What he says does resonate with me.
Jesus agrees: “Love is your nature, your Source.” (2)
“ Love is the life force that flows constantly through all living beings. Without It life would cease. Even those seen by you as the most despicable and unconscionable of beings is living with Love flowing through them; they need It as much as anyone else.” (3)
According to him, “you cannot live without It.”
“You are, every one of you, essential parts or aspects of It. However, when you constructed the illusion you attempted to exclude It, by apparently separating yourselves, shutting yourselves off from God. That is not possible, but you were and are free to pretend that it is, and that is what causes you so much pain and suffering.” (4)
This being the case, it should come as no surprise to hear the Mother tell us that we’ll build Nova Earth out of love.
Divine Mother: Sweet Steve, you have said to me many times; How do we build this Nova Earth?
SB: [laughing] Yes, Mother.
DM: And you build it, my beloved son, by claiming the love, by claiming the building blocks, the glue, the dissolving agent, and you use it as your creator self however you choose. (5)
Frequently, when I reported my efforts at creation to Archangel Michael, he’d talk about invoking the Law of Transmutation to draw love molecules from the air to create what I wanted. I’m just getting the barest glimpse of what he was saying. And the significance of it grows and grows the more I learn.
Tomorrow we wrap up by looking at other implications of love being all there is.
(Concluded in Part 4, tomorrow.)
(1) Saul through John Smallman, July 27, 2014 at https://johnsmallman.wordpress.com.
(2) Jesus through John Smallman, May 15, 2013, at https://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com..
(3) Ibid., March 9, 2017.
(4) Ibid., June 13, 2013.
(5) “Transcript of the Divine Mother: Density is Unloving Emotion; Love is Lightness of Being,” March 6, 2015, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/03/06/transcript-of-the-divine-mother-density-is-unloving-emotion-love-is-lightness-of-being/.