I don’t usually post Ben these days because, while he has apparently-good insider contacts on the ground, his command of what’s happening behind the scenes is usually less informed.
But this week he does capture the mix of events happening in the world, including the Reval. And even Disclosure. (The UFO fleet video is awesome.)
“Good side” of Rothschild family says Trump will stage financial reset
Benjamin Fulford – September 3, 2018
The deadlock has ended in the undeclared U.S. civil war that lasted all summer, and the good guys have already begun a series of stunning moves against the cabal, including shooting down their secret satellites, multiple sources confirm.
Also, a complete reset of the global financial system has already begun, assert CIA sources connected to the self-described “good side” of the Rothschild family. And this is just a prelude to what promises to be a very eventful month of September, the sources agree.
The satellite shoot-down was first reported by the mysterious blogger “Q” and has been independently confirmed by three separate sources. “On August 30, CIA satellites and supercomputers were taken down and likely seized by [U.S. President Donald] Trump’s new Space Force, and GCHQ [British Intelligence] was removed from the NSA database to also render cabal elements in the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, France, Germany, and Israel deaf and blind,” Pentagon sources explained.
A CIA source in Asia who was involved in setting up the secret satellite network that was taken down last week issued the following warning to colleagues: “We are in potential danger. I hope your vehicles have fuel and you have emergency food and water on hand. There’s no telling who did this or why… and now that some of our satellites are down, God only knows what may be coming at us.”
Meanwhile, a third source says Nathaniel Rothschild’s faction was involved in the shoot-down, saying, “Nat is back in play. He is with us. We are dismantling the Nazi/Antarctica global grid of communications. This includes several orbiting satellites, one of which has already been eliminated.”
The communications takedown is a prelude to both a military and financial offensive against the cabal, Pentagon and CIA sources agree. For reasons of operational security, the Pentagon sources cannot say much about the military action other than “a U.S. military offensive is under way to terminate the defenseless and disoriented cabal.”
However, the financial dimension of the cabal takedown involves “a gold-backed dollar and arrests next week,” says former (there is never really a “former”) CIA agent and Marine Intelligence officer Robert David Steele.
Separate CIA sources linked to the Rothschilds add, “We are already in a global currency meltdown. It cannot be stopped. The financial reset is imminent. Watch what happens to the price of gold and silver. This all takes place before December 2018. Trump has a very big part to play. He is closely linked to the good side of the Rothschild clan. (Nat is in play again).”
Meanwhile, the dark side of the financial force is also busy, the source says, noting, “The Indonesian rupiah is being crushed against the USD. This is the result of Jokowi’s government’s majority takeover of PT Freeport [the gigantic gold mine] at Papua, New Guinea.
The Khazarian Zionist holdouts in the City of London are destroying currencies in the countries that will not bow down to their demands. Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Turkey, and Indonesia are the first to be hit.”
The Khazarians are pulling money out of all these countries because they are desperate for gold now that the Swiss are being forced to return the BIS gold deposits back to their rightful owners,” White Dragon Society (WDS) sources say.
This may be why British Intelligence sources, who cut off all contact with the WDS shortly after the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan, have suddenly appeared offering to support WDS plans for a future planning agency. They may be trying to forestall a planned WDS takeover of the Bank of Japan. A meeting is scheduled for next week.
The contact may have come because, “It appears the October Surprise comes early with the Guns of August, as Trump proclaimed on August 31 that September is ’emergencies month’ and he may drop ‘truth bombs’ about 9/11 and 3/11,” Pentagon sources explain.
Furthermore, the sources continue, “17 years after the Twin Towers were nuked, shadow Secretary of State for the Deep State John McCain was executed 17 days before 9/11, as the storm makes landfall in September,” while “In a message to patriots, the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff showed up while McCain lying in state August 31 to declare victory.” Other Pentagon sources note “McCain’s casket was closed because he either blew his brains out or was not actually in the casket.”
There is also a lot of action taking place on the cyber front, with multiple sources saying Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. are in the crosshairs, multiple sources agree.
Here is Steele’s analysis of the situation:
“The core players in the social media ecology (Facebook, Google, Twitter, and YouTube) are facing a triple threat because of their consolidated shutdown of Alternative Right media maven Alex Jones. A class-action lawsuit has been filed and there are indications that multiple class-action lawsuits could be filed, each by a variety of conservative voices discriminated against and arbitrarily shut down. The recent revelation that all of this was not only planned years in advance, but also that it leveraged special NSA software to hunt down and digitally assassinate conservative thought leaders by name is sparking presidential interest in a RICO investigation.
“On a more positive note, there is discussion of the President leaving Twitter, but only when a viable alternative emerges. The CEOs of Mastodon, Gab, Minds, and Plurk are being approached by a conservative billionaire ready to fund a seamlessly integrated new ecology that includes text messages, online blurbs (perhaps to be called Trumpets), videos (BitChute is locked in as the core there), shared files, and multi-level meeting and networking applications.”
The assault on the California-based tech giants is probably also going to lead to actual military occupation of many high-tech companies in that state, other Pentagon sources note.
The other big front of the cabal is the Ukraine, and here it looks like there will actually be serious warfare going on. The official Russian Tass News Agency is reporting there is likely to be warfare involving Canadian, U.S. and NATO troops fighting against ethnic Russians this month in the Eastern Ukraine:
“Nazis from the Azov group will be tasked to back the offensive in the rear. All these operations will be commanded by military from the United States and Canada, or, in other words, by NATO military,” according to Daniil Bezsonov, spokesperson for the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Tass said, citing the Donetsk News Agency.
“Putin will take back all of the Ukraine. The assassination of the leader of the DPR tipped the scales. It is already in motion,” CIA sources say.
There are hints that China and France will back Russia in this move against the Ukraine. China is about to take part in a Russian military exercise involving 300,000 troops, 900 tanks, and 1,000 aircraft.
Meanwhile, French President Emmanuel Macron hinted whose side he was on by publicly declaring that Europe needs to rely more on Russia and less on the U.S. for defense.
Pentagon sources, for their part, say the U.S. military will not fight against Russia to protect the Nazis in the Ukraine. If that is the case, the days are numbered for the Khazarian rogue state in the Ukraine.
The other Khazarian rogue states, Israel and Saudi Arabia, are probably going to sue for peace before they are taken down as well. For now, “Russia is ending the Syrian war with a final assault on Idlib,” the Pentagon sources note.
What we need to watch for over the next few days and weeks is whether remaining senior satanic cabalists like Benyamin Netanyahu, George Bush Jr., Hillary and Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney, Barack Obama, and others (be they clones, body doubles, or computer graphics) are publicly arrested and frog-marched in front of the cameras.
[The Golden Age of Gaia does not believe the charges against Obama.]
The other thing to see is whether Trump will finally go public with 9/11 truth, as he promised to do during his election campaign. If that does not happen, the WDS will take things to the next level.
On a final note this week, while we generally leave the off-world disclosure and UFO-type stuff to others, we felt compelled to send this link sent to us by the CIA containing a link to a UFO allegedly filmed by a Japanese airline passenger on August 2nd.
These sources say an off-world alliance will soon reveal itself to the world’s public.
Our stance, however, remains that even if there are UFOs (and this writer has personally seen and photographed some), for now they are not interfering in any visible way in human affairs. We must liberate the planet by ourselves, and if we attain world peace, then hopefully the quarantine on this planet will be lifted.