Crystal formed in the presence of loving thoughts
Everything that’s happening now and everything that will happen in the future can be said to be about love.
But the love that it’s about is a special kind of love. When I found myself in it on March 13, 2015, I was astonished, amazed. Can there be such a state?
Ordinary love does not hold a candle to this variety of love. Of course it’s the love of the Fifth to Seventh Dimensions. It’s what we all have one foot in. Before long, we’ll know this state – permanently.
In the meantime, you can understand my great desire to delve into the subject. My enthusiasm. Once love really touches you, you’re its vassal for the rest of your days. Scarey, huh?
I don’t know about you but when I hear expressions like “love is everything” or “all you need is love,” my radar antenna goes up.
Yah, yah, sure, sure.
Well, no. Those statements turn out to be absolutely correct. Love, it turns out, IS everything and it’s definitely all you need.
I’ve been helped along by experiences of higher-dimensional love, ranging from several minutes to seven months. I know what the masters are speaking about when they talk about love. (Oh yah!)
It’s a world above our ordinary experiences of warmth, affection, caring, etc. It’s also transformational.
During transformational experiences of higher-dimensional love, all my edges, boundaries, and walls crumbled. I floated as a point of consciousness in an Ocean of Love (Maré) – open, unguarded, all concerns abandoned.
Think of it for a second. I had not a care in the world. I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that it was possible to live in a state where I had no cares or concerns. Feel into that state. Imagine it.
I’m allowed to visit the higher realms but not to stay there. Otherwise I wouldn’t write. So these experiences are windows into another world, really.
Never mind extraterrestrials. Get a load of this unknown being – love. Does anyone know this higher and deeper form of love? Have you ever seen it? Felt it? Know where it’s to be found? (Intellectual answer: In the heart.)
Knowledge falls on a continuum from intellectual through experiential to realizational. This knowledge of the open heart and transformational love was realized.
But we start with intellectual knowledge as our foundation.
Let’s turn to the Company of Heaven – celestial, galactic and terrestrial masters – to get an intellectual understanding of what love is.
Saul put his finger on our predicament. Intellectual understanding of love is not enough to live in the experience of it. He tells us that:
“The awareness that there is only Love, that anything else is unreal, illusory, while accepted by many intellectually has not been felt in their hearts.” (1)
We don’t feel it. It lacks reality for us. At best we try to wrap our heads around the idea.
What is it that we’re wrapping our heads around? What have the Mother and the masters been telling us about love?
The Divine Mother: “Child, love is all there is.” (2)
Sanat Kumara: “Everything is love.” (3)
Jesus: “It is all that exists.” (4)
Arcturian Group: “Love/Oneness cannot be escaped, for it is the reality – all there is – interpreted physically, emotionally, and mentally, according to one’s belief system.” (5)
Angelic Guides: “From our perspective love is unlimited. It knows no boundaries. It knows no color, no race, no creed, no gender, and no species.” (6)
Complete agreement.
If God is only love and God is all there is, then by simple deduction we – being part of everything – must also be both God and love, as Jesus implies here.
“As you have been told so often there is only Love, because God is Love, and all that exists is contained within God, Who is the infinitely vast Reality, the energy field from which all life flows, the Source.
“So each and every sentient being is the same as God, just as every individual drop of water anywhere on the planet is identical to all the rivers, lakes, and oceans combined. There is no difference between them.” (7)
But again only knowing intellectually that we are God and we are love … just doesn’t … push us over the edge. We stand there waffling on the precipice, holding on to our worldly concerns and considerations.
If and when we release ourselves from them, the Galactic Federation says, we’ll know the truth of love.
“All that ‘IS’ … ‘IS LOVE’ … and when YOU ARE OF IT alone … having released and freed yourselves up from all concerns and considerations … then you will understand that which we say.” (8)
In my case, things were reversed. I experienced higher-dimensional love first and then was released from all concerns and considerations by a torrent of love.
Whichever way proves to be the case for you, transformational love and anxiety cannot co-exist. Anxiety is toast when love shows up. There’s a new marshall in town.
There are other implications of love being all there is, as we’ll see tomorrow.
(Continued in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) Saul, June 30 2017, at https://johnsmallman.wordpress.com.
(2) The Divine Mother in Union & ReUnion, Council of Love Annual Gathering, Oct. 3-5, 2014, Lake Tahoe, Calif., 2014, 7.
(3) “Transcript ~ Sanat Kumara on Heavenly Blessings: Choose Love and Action, August 2, 2016,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/08/16/transcript-sanat-kumara-heavenly-blessings-choose-love-action-august-2-2016/.
(4) Jesus through John Smallman, May 15, 2013, March 30, 2016, and March 9, 2017, at https://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com.
(5) Arcturian Group, October 26, 2014, at https://www.onenessofall.com/Welcome2.html.
(6) “Angelic Guides: Love Knows No Boundaries,’ channeled through Taryn Crimi, July 12, 2013 at https://angelicguides.wordpress.com.
(7) Jesus through John Smallman, Sept. 15, 2015.
(8) The Federation of Light: October 29, 2015, channeled by Blossom Goodchild at https://www.blossomgoodchild.com/index.html?page=BG259oct29.html.