Thanks to Ellen for our transcription.
Sanat Kumara ~ Choose Love And Action!
Look for your tangible projects, formulate them, and step forth in the declaration of what you choose to create upon the planet. The time of action is upon you!
Heavenly Blessings, August 2, 2016
Linda Dillon: Channel for the Council of Love
Suzanne Maresca: Host, InLight Universal
[Meditation from 6:50 to 11:42 marker] Link to show audio.
Sanat Kumara: Greetings, I am Sanat Kumara.
Suzi: Welcome.
Sanat Kumara: And welcome to you. Yes, by all means call me Raj for we are old friends. And I say that not only to you, dearest Suzanne, but to all of you and to all upon Gaia, for I welcome every being, every flower, every plant, every mountain, every ocean this day.
It is funny because you tend to think and progress into the unity of heart consciousness, but when you proceed in this way, do not exclude all the kingdoms for all upon Gaia are One. There are no beings – what you think of inanimate or living – that are not part of this unified whole, this pattern, this grid, this tapestry of what you think of as Gaia.
You are not separate from the unified whole, and that is part – a small part but an important part – of what I come to speak of this day. Let your concerns go, and in this moment feel and hear and know and be the truth of who you are.
Beloved friends, you have come from far and wide, from the angelic and archangelic realms, from star systems far away. You have come as ancient earthkeepers, as hybrids, as elementals, as Venusians. But you are all human, you are all Gaian, and you are already at the table of the Intergalactic Council.
It is time that you all step forward, yes, in your individual splendour and the unfoldment of your plan within our Mother’s Plan, but as Nova Beings creating Nova Earth, bringing forth the splendour, the magnificence, the truth, the peace, the wonder, the awe, the balance. There is only one reason you are on this planet at this time, and it is to not just witness but to be a part of the rebirth of love.
My task, my role as Planetary Oversight, is to assist in the anchoring and the re-anchoring of the Creator Race and the essence of love, not only the recognition of divinity but the practical actuality of divinity within you and in all of your doings, societies, structures, institutions, families, communities, it matters not. There is no delineation.
Now at this time, very dramatic mirrors are being held up to you. And in the Tsunami of One, you are seeing and receiving inputs, adjustments, attunements, raising in frequency, vibratory rates, so that you may physically hold more love, more energy.
Now you say, “How do these two connect? You say, “vibration and frequency and love.” Everything is love. That is of the Divine Nature. Now there are many human creations that are simply distractions and deviations from that, and that has been the speciality of your old 3rd dimension. But there is no room for that any longer. I do not know how many times we have to say this!
Now I know in some ways, my friends, I am preaching to the choir, but understand what I have said this day. I am speaking to all upon Gaia. And it is time for this distraction, deception, lies, untruth, deviations, of such a magnitude that they hide the truth – it is time for this to come to an end.
Now we are doing our part, and you are being uplifted as never before. And many of you, most of you as a matter of fact at this time, are flying in and out of the portal knowingly and unknowingly. But what does it look like to create Nova Earth? Could it be smooth, non- confrontative? No, not because we do not desire it, but because human choice at this moment of what you construe of as “time” is of a nature that there is a lack of consistency in the choice for love.
And this is a word that I am almost hesitant to use. Can you imagine, as a servant which we all are of the Mother, that I hesitate to use the word “love” because upon your planet at this time, it is being bandied about without understanding that this is a sacred word. In some traditions of ancient times, and even recent times, there are words that were so sacred that they were not spoken, only held within the heart and within the pattern.
“Love” is the most sacred word. If you are to think of a term of reference point, to speak truly of the awe of One, it would be love. If you wished to nickname the Mother, it would be love. If you wished to understand the essence of the Father, it would be love. And yet this word has become misunderstood in many ways.
Now we do not halt the use of this word because the design is that it is seeping into your consciousness – and I mean the collective consciousness – that although it is misunderstood, somehow, somewhere, love is important.
And so, for example, in your political shenanigans in the United States of America, you are seeing the use of placards and people declaring love. And yet their behaviour is not of love. It is not of love of the Mother and the Father and the One or the Son. And it is not of love of humanity and unified consciousness, anchored in the heart consciousness and transformative love. It is none of these things.
And you say, “Yes Raj, we know that. How can you help us?” Well, first of all, rest assured we are helping you and the legions are at work like never before, so it is not only my company but the company of all. Understand what I am saying to you: the “company of all” – all delegations, all masters, all angelic realms, all star systems. It is not just a cheerleading team that is sitting on the sidelines!
We are working with all of you, and as we do with those that truly do not want change, it is appearing chaotic. Now let me go further. There are those that want change, and who are reverting back to what you can think of as an ancient understanding of Source, of God, of God the Father with a controlling, aggressive, thundering, punishing being. And that is a human construct. It does not have its basis in truth. It most certainly does not have its basis in love.
So what you are witnessing – yes, in the United States but also in many countries where there are despotic leaders, male and female, of every religious tint – are those who wish to be in control and who are more than eager to assume this role, to be the controlling patriarch. But what is even more chaotic is the number of Gaians eager, not simply willing but eager to embrace that type of system. So that is reversion back.
It is change but it is not, shall we say, progressive or forward thrust, new being, Nova Earth change. It is change that is based on fear and saying, “Let me run away and let Daddy take care of it.” And that is a total abrogation of self-responsibility. It is not being the observer; it is not inserting participation where you have need to. It is an abrogation of why you are on the planet. I cannot be clearer than that!
Then there are those in the middle road who believe that nothing has really changed. Gaia has ascended. She is interdimensional in her nature, hard-anchored in the 7th, present in all dimensionality. You are seeing the shifts and yet there is this group that says, “Oh, nothing has changed and we can maintain the status quo.” And even if there wasn’t the new wave, which I will speak of next, that is not possible because you have these revisionaries on the other side so that is not going to do it.
So these people are pretending that they are deaf, dumb and blind. I do not say that in the way of insult, my beloveds. I say that if you choose the middle way – and that has been preferred by many sages – then be true to the middle way, the middle path, the middle journey. It is a preferred journey of balance for many. But again, be true to the love.
Remember you are only here for one reason – to be the re-patterners, the re-weavers, the re-anchors of the Mother’s Plan. Your plan and the reason you are here is that you chose, because it was essential to your fulfilment to do this. So if you are going to sit in the middle, be true to truth.
And then there are the wayshowers, those who see the chaos and are participating in what we would call “creative chaos”. The change could have been, could still be very smooth, but because of the human choices it is not unfolding in that way. Now, did we anticipate that? Yes. We were surprised at your spiritually mature choice of collective ascension, but it was a choice.
But now there are many that are saying, “I yearn, I desire, I know who I am; I may not know every detail of how to get there,” and none of you do by the way. It is a walk of trust; it is a walk of heart; it is an unfoldment. We cannot tell you or even write the fullness of the script because that would be denying your free will, and dear hearts, you have surprised us time and time again. Even when we know we’re going to be surprised, we’re surprised!
Those who are wayshowers, who are the agents and angels of change – and it doesn’t matter whether you are hybrid, starseed, earthkeeper – you are angels of change. And the reason you are here is to be the constructors, the catalysts, the re-weavers. You are on track!
Now, do not deviate. Stay in the love. Expose what you know to be simple attachment to the old 3rd, to the paradigms, the false grids of aggression and control, lack and limitation – the list is endless. And we don’t even want to repeat it anymore because it is non-existent. There are places in the universe still to awaken, and the ascension of this planet and this race is part of laying the pattern for those that follow.
But if you desire to be part of that old, then pass on and you can reincarnate on one of those planets still in progress. There is no requirement to stay. Is there a desire on our part that you will stay and fulfil? Yes. But is it a requirement? It has never been a requirement.
The unfoldment of the Mother’s Plan is not dependent upon 7 billion or 1 billion lining up. We don’t want… it has never been the Plan that people line up and obey, salute. It has always been the Plan that the flowering of love in the heart would be such that it puts you beyond any other choice, because when you are experiencing this – what has been termed “transformative love”, what we call “real love” – there is no other choice.
So are you in the midst of chaos? Yes. And do you need serenity? And do you need reassurance? Yes, you do. And as your Logos, I am here not only to reassure but to say, “Those of you who feel you are forging the new pathway, that you are truly the wayshowers, whether it is in society, in relationship, in politics, in education, in your own life, you are doing what has need to be done.”
Does it feel at moments enormously challenging and difficult? Yes. And by the way, is the relief on the way? Yes there is, because you need some tangible projects, and this political upheaval is one of these tangible projects. And the product, the outcome, is rebirth, new understanding, broader understanding, fuller participation.
This word “democracy” is bandied about as well. It is almost bandied about as much as “love”. But democracy is simply community; it is an expression of love in community; it is an expression of trust. As you enter the love, there is no desire to control another; there is no need for lies. Integrity and truth are simply omnipresent because there is that willingness – and I mean Divine willingness – to share, to create, to co-create, to be in sacred unions of every type. There is harmony.
Do you really think in other realms that we hold elections? In the harmony and balance, the ebb and flow, the love takes care of everything. Now does that mean we are not organised? Of course we are. People assume different roles, just as I, in service to the Mother, have assumed this role as Logos. But it is a role.
If the Mother had asked me – and in many ways She has asked me – to be the janitor and the clean-up crew, I would do that. And I am! And, my beloved friends, so are you. You look to me for guidance, but also what I say is, “Come stand with me because each of you carry this role.”
Now, dearest Suzanne, I have gone on and on. Where do you wish to begin?
Suzi: Well, I love that you’ve gone on and on actually because this is very good information and I have lots of comments on things you’ve said. Gosh, where do I start? The feeling I have now is that all that really requires my attention is what’s before me in the moment. That is the most efficient way for me to not engage in the chaos that’s going on.
I thought it was very interesting that most of us are interdimensional whether we know it or not. So could you give people a little bit of guidance on when we might notice that we are? For my own self, I feel like when I’m out driving, if I’m feeling especially in love with the trees and the things around me, and I’m just loving myself and everything around me, I guess that’s pretty much the higher dimensional beingness, right?
Sanat Kumara: That is correct. The more… you see, you are thinking of this also as sequential, and in some ways it is because that is the linear nature of how humanity has been trained to think. But it is also simultaneous. So you are correct, dearest one, in so far as you say, “When I am in love, I am interdimensional.”
Think of it as love being your ticket or your pass to being, understanding and experiencing that you are interdimensional. So when you are stratified, when you are so restricted, you restrict yourself. Feel it – your muscles constrict; you feel as if you are a shell sitting on a shelf. And, of course, in that you are not fluidly travelling between dimensions.
But when you look at a tree – and I am talking without psychedelic substances – and you feel the energy of the tree, you feel the sap running like the blood flows through your body, when you can hear the heartbeat of Gaia, when you can perhaps sense… All of you are not at a point when you are seeing or hearing completely clearly, but you have your intuitive knowing, you have your sense of connection. This is your interdimensional self.
Suzi: You made a statement saying that we need some relief, and then you said we need tangible relief and that politics is a project that takes our mind of and gives relief. But I don’t get it because the Democratic Party has become about as undemocratic as possible. The words they use sound just lovely, but the actions are both very covert and openly belie the words. I know everyone has a role but could you maybe give a little bit more? So in order to get relief, we have to go through hardship, right? That’s the deal?
Sanat Kumara: No, that is not the deal, but that is at the moment much of the human choices that are being made. Now let us look at this. You say that the Democratic Party in the United States of America… And St. Germaine has just walked through the door for he is very interested in this subject as well! But let me continue.
So previously this level of manipulation has gone undetected. Not that this level of manipulation and dishonesty has not been present; and let me be very clear, it has been present in most of your American electoral processes. You have seen these shenanigans time and time and time again, but at this moment in the unfoldment, all of this is coming to the surface. Before, it was not… it was a vague awareness that something was not quite right, but it was not out on the table…
Suzi: Documented…
Sanat Kumara: No, not simply talked about; documented and seen and truly very apparent. So what you are going through – and think of the three groups that I have discussed – is that what you are seeing is that there is this forward thrust in the wayshowers, regardless of whether they consider themselves lightworkers or wayshowers; it does not matter because all are being equally penetrated. But to many, this exposure is creating this shock value and this recognition that perhaps things are not as filled with integrity as one would hope, and let me say, as one would demand.
And so, it is a project – I use this as the term – “a project” whereby humans are being given the opportunity to truly step forward and declare themselves as the wayshowers, as the anchors of the new. So does it look like tremendous upheaval? Yes. Does it feel like tremendous upheaval? Yes.
Now revolution – that word, that term, that action has always been attractive to the young. And you are seeing that because they are believers that they are here to change the world. But revolution has also been a term, a process, an undertaking that has been attractive to those who feel and are, or feel downtrodden, oppressed, repressed, taken advantage of. The United States of America was founded on revolution. You have a very bloody history!
Now it is not the intention that the founding and the anchoring of Nova Earth be bloody and violent. But what you are seeing in this upheaval is that what has been bloody and violent – and we use the term “violent” to mean lack of integrity and abuse of power – is being exposed, and that is a good thing because if it is not exposed, then everybody continues as is.
Suzi: That’s true. And you’re absolutely right that people are standing up and making videos and organising others; and it’s all in love and integrity and with the highest good of all concerned. People are coming out of the woodwork that are like that, so it’s very encouraging and beautiful. And I just wondered too… are the dreadful things happening now all kind of moot because of the changes coming for the planet?
Sanat Kumara: Pretty much. Now when I say that, I need to set some parameters, do I not! You are at a point of breakthrough and it may well feel like breakdown, and in some ways it is breakdown of the old that has not served the Mother. I am going to keep bringing you back to this point. Lies, untruth, dishonesty, aggression, control, rape, pillage, murder in no way serves the Mother.
So, what is happening… you are our anchors, you are the change element upon the planet. When you are saying, “This is not acceptable,” – and it does not matter whether it is shooting in the streets or war overseas or the bombing of buildings or a political election – what you are all saying is that is not acceptable, this is not in alignment with who I am. So fundamentally all of you are cringing and saying, “This can’t go on.”
Now, your question really is, “Do we have to go through civil war, mayhem, more blood in the streets in order to make the change?” And the answer is no. Exposure of lack of integrity, of control, aggression and so on… exposure is often so embarrassing that those who are perpetrators of such will run away.
It is the nature of what you term “bully”. When bullies are exposed, they turn and run. They are not filled with valor; they are not the bravest of the brave. They are usurpers and so the usurpers are being exposed. So, do you have to take your guns to the street? I beg you, never!
So when you say, “Hardship – is hardship necessary?” No, because what you are also doing – and this is where you are claiming your status as creators – is you are holding the vision of something entirely different. You are holding the vision and the fulfilment of the dream. And you are all doing it in your various ways. Some of you are what I would say multidimensional in so far as you are political, social, structural; some of you are economic. It does not matter what dimension or sphere you are operating in.
What I suggest: hold the love. Feel yourself swimming, flying, floating, walking to where the answers lie and bring them back into what you think of as your dimensional reality. Bring them back. It does not require difficulty.
Suzi: Alright. Well, you mentioned something about when the bully is exposed, but here’s the thing that I see – the bully is already exposed, but it seems that there’s a collective cognitive dissonance about it, that half the population – or maybe less than half, I don’t know – but a lot of them just want to cling to the idea that the bully is really okay.
Sanat Kumara: Yes, and that is what you have said “cognitive dissonance” but it is also denial. Now think of it in practical terms. Think of the parent who is informed by the school principal that their child is being a bully. And the first time, they say “Oh no, my Clarence or Clarisse could not possibly be a bully. You must have misunderstood.”
And they ask Clarisse or Clarence whether they did this or that, and they say, “Oh no, mama, I did not do that.” And then it is repeated and exposed and repeated and exposed, until finally the family recognises that there is something terribly wrong and that it needs to be course-corrected. That is what you are in the middle of: the exposure.
Now is this the first exposure? No. Are there dramatic exposures occurring at this moment? Yes, not just political but societal, governmental – and we separate governmental and political – institutional. So there are changes that are occurring. And yes, think of the good news, my beloved friend: there is about 30% – and, in fact, if you take those who have simply been passive in this, there is more than 50% that are saying, “This is not acceptable.”
Now have they arrived as yet at a plan of action, what the three of you have thought of as the right use of will, to come to a place where they have a plan to implement the change, and changes that are doable and tangible and practical and acceptable to the collective? No, you haven’t. But many of you are very proactively working on such. And that is how this is being completed – not begun, but completed.
So you are at the point where the situation of the ‘emperor wearing no clothes’ is very clear to many, but you haven’t completed, you haven’t stepped forward as yet saying, “And this is how we’re going to fix it.” You are in process. So take heart, take great heart!
And you are being given very tangible, doable projects. Are they massive? Yes. We are no longer talking about being friendly in the supermarket. Now, is that essential? Yes! [Laughter] But you are escalating, you are expanding to broader platforms, and that is necessary and desirable and supported mightily from our side.
Suzi: Okay, that’s beautiful. You mentioned something that caught my attention, “Earth is anchored in the 7th.” Are we skipping the 5th? Nobody seems to be talking about the 5th dimension anymore!
Sanat Kumara: Do not forget… think of if the Earth is a giant sphere. So think of where the heart is, as anchored in the 7th in the alignment with love and with the alignment with Christ Consciousness. Now she also brushes the 3rd, the 4th, the 5th, the 6th. The 5th is where you are noticing and managing the change.
Dearest heart, I would say most of you believe that you are operating in the 3rd because you have this tangibility, this physical vessel. But, in fact, look at your vessels and how they are changing and how they are being transformed, all the repair work visible and invisible that has been done on it, and the amount of change that you are being asked to manage.
So you are in the 5th. It is just the positive part of this and the nature of the human race as they truly are, is you are forward not only thinkers and feelers but doers. So you are always looking ahead. So you are in the 5th, you are looking to the 11th already and wondering why you are not there! It is the children sitting in the car saying, “Are we there yet?” Well, you are almost there, but there is a little further to go! [Laughter]
Suzi: It’s interesting that you mention the physical vessel because my daughter and I have been catapulted into completely committing ourselves to making our vessels be the strongest and most able to carry and hold light as possible. That’s like the primary motivation here and it’s really nice. It’s kind of a hard road because there’s not a lot of food we can eat at this particular point, but that’s okay. We’re just really committed to it. Is that really accurate?
Sanat Kumara: That is very accurate. But let me say, yes, there is the obsession when one is young and delightfully beautiful, regardless of being occupied with the physical body. But what you are doing, and what many of you are doing, is experiencing, “How do I hold this energy? I do not want it to leak out. I am more than willing to share, but I don’t want to be out of sorts in holding this energy and so I am reconstructing.”
Now whether you know it or not – and again, it doesn’t matter – each of you, not only frequency/vibration, physically are being reconstituted, some of you more vigorously than others; and that is also in alignment with your own mission and purpose, why you are here. So yes, it is part of the shift; it is part of ascension. When you are flying back and forth through the portal, what you think of not only as toxins or impurities but your ability to hold this energy, to sustain this energy – your body needs to be strong.
So often, when you see representations, channelled pictures or portraits of any of us, you tend to see us as very large. Now we can be the grain of sand on the beach, it matters not. But the reason you tend to perceive us as large is because of the energy field we are holding. So that is where you are going.
Suzi: I think we’re probably close to the end. Have you got anything in closing? This has been really wonderful and informative, and I really appreciate it. Thank you.
Sanat Kumara: You are so welcome. Yes, I do have something to say, and I am not suggesting that you simply look at these various situations and laugh. But, my beloved ones, can you see the nature of what is taking place? And that is why I have used the analogy of the ‘emperor with no clothes’.
When you picture the exposure, see it for what it is – that it is not tragedy, it is not Greek tragedy, it is not melodrama; it is nothing except showing what is not of light, what is not of love. And once that is identified, the decision process is already underway.
Now, many of you may say, “But I don’t want radical change.” It does not matter. As Yeshua has said to you, this is a time of radical change. You cannot stop the infinite flow of the universe. What you can do is choose to be part of it, to be part of who you are, to be the love, to claim your divinity, to be merciful to those who do not yet know.
And in that mercy is compassion and wisdom, and the wisdom to know how to help. Not through violence, but change is evitable. You are in the midst of it and this, my beloveds, is good news. Look for your tangible projects, formulate them, and step forth in the declaration of what you choose to create upon the planet. The time of action is upon you!
Go in peace. Farewell.
Suzi: Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2016 Council of Love, Inc.
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“Transcript ~ Sanat Kumara on Heavenly Blessings: Choose Love and Action, August 2, 2016,” Channeled by Linda Dillon, August 2, 2016, at