What a whirlwind of emotions this past week has been. Challenging, uncomfortable, expanding.
On the one hand, I’ve never felt so exposed and vulnerable.
On the other hand, I get to see that I was able to take action in roles I’ve never felt comfortable playing. I expanded my boundaries.
Fortunately “exposed and vulnerable” only lasts a short period and then we’ve pushed our edges, our frontiers of self-revelation and transparency, forward a yard. We’ve sallied into unknown territory.
One thing it’s done for me is that I get much more deeply what the Divine Mother is driving at.
We need – and have always needed – catalysts to ignite our generous impulse. The victims of an earthquake, a tornado, or a wildfire. A struggling Olympic athlete or a disabled long-distance runner.
Obviously, because she stated it, these “catalysts” are playing a role in the Mother’s leela or divine drama of abundance. Abundance is promoted by generosity so she’s asking us to exercise our generosity muscle. And she does that by having some people, like us and many, many others, play in the receiving role. (See 1)
Both organizations and individuals. That’s intended to include many of you. We’re all of us trying to stay afloat, as you’ve said to me in your emails.
Michael has told me that he could rain gold coins from heaven or put money in our bank account if need be. But we on the Golden Age of Gaia have agreed to play the role of “receivers.”
Life is complicated by the thought that the Reval is ttthhhiiiissssss close. It makes long-range planning seem unnecessary and yet the process drags on.
Soon we may need to ignore the Reval and begin long-range planning to somehow solve the problem that has eluded us since the beginning: How to become a viable entity whose products remain free? And how to do it without becoming in any way commercial?
(1) Steve Beckow: This poverty that we are having to endure just doesn’t seem necessary.
Divine Mother: You have agreed that you are on, can we say, the receiving end.
Steve: So our being [poor] is used as a means to get people to open up?
Divine Mother: To express gratitude, generosity, unity and to express what is valuable to them.
Steve: So that is what the spiritual meaning of this is. That we serve the purpose of igniting people’s generosity or inspiring it.
Divine Mother: That is correct. You are the catalysts. (Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 7, 2015.)