This post builds on the information brought forth in “The Blessing and Virtue of Truth (Part 1)” and “The Blessing and Virtue of Truth (Part 2)”
Each blessing and virtue is Infinite and Eternal, the perfect balance of the Mother’s Blessing, Ability, Vibration, Movement, and the Virtue, the Sense of the Father, the frequency born of the stillness.
Through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, Archangel Michael continues on with his discussion of the blessing and virtue of truth (1).
Archangel Michael carries the Blue Flame of Truth, and here he gives us an exercise where he asks us, anchored in our hearts in meditation, to take the Blue Flame to burn away doubt, denial, limitation, daily.
Here is the exercise:
An Everyday Exercise with Archangel Michael
and the Blue Flame of Truth
Sit and allow the Blue Flame
to expand and expand,
to consume us
as if we are
the Blue Flame.
Like a sponge, as we allow
our Infinite potential
from the universe,
the multiverse,
the ominverse,
the Source to fill us
feeling this sense of e x p a n s i o n
anchored in our heart centre we ask,
“Today, Michael,
what is the expression
of my Infinite potential?”
He says he will gladly tell us saying that it will be different each day because we do different things each day, that that is an expression of our Infinite potential.
And then he says
— and this is where the key lies —
even if it seems outrageous or too benignly simple,
please do what he asks us to do.
The truth of our creation is that we are Love.
It is the Divine Spark that we have carried forever and that we eventually will carry Home.
Michael says, “Everything else is an illusion.”
In that expression of our truth, which is Love, there is a wonderful, beautiful tapestry of Who We Are, of our ray, colour, expressions of the Infinite nature of our being.
When we are traveling, journeying through a lifetime,
it is not clearing, clearing, clearing, clearing
so that we finally can embrace Love.
It is remembering Love,
acceptance of the fact that we are Love,
that we are Loved, Lovable, the essence of Love.
When that acknowledgment and that knowing — that truth emerges — then it is an expansion that takes place of that essence.
It is as if we have an ember in our heart, our core, that is our Divine Spark of Love — we may think of it as light — but it is Love.
When we finally see that, acknowledge that,
realize we have never been anything but Love
— we have always been connected —
it explodes!
A raging fire for many or the warmth of a small campfire for a few, it matters not, it grows, and that is how we become our Infinite expression, not just the potential, but the expression of that potential.
Often we think of the expression of our potential as what we do physically in the world.
That is part of it,
but it is also simply the Light and Love
we carry, exude, share.
That is the core.
Thank you, Archangel Michael,
and Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love,
for this daily exercise with you and the Blue Flame of Truth.
(1) “Archangels Michael, Gabrielle, and Uriel Discuss the Divine Quality — Truth — and our Infinite Potential.” March 12, 2013, channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, All quotes are from the same source.