(Concluded from Part 3, yesterday.)
Why reawaken what we’ve suffered through in other ages?
Light Collective: To what purpose did you wish to be triggered into re-experiencing what you had suffered through in other ages?
As an expert in deciphering and understanding frequencies, you intuitively knew what was true to you. Eventually, through your misadventures, your innate gifts would come online and so they did and so they are, especially since the great Shift into the higher frequencies has occurred for the planet.
Even though much of the human collective has not yet shifted into the higher frequencies of the fourth dimension, you have for you intuitively recognize these energies as being familiar.
And as the planet continues to rise higher into the frequencies of the lower fifth dimension, you will feel more at home, for it is these frequency levels that you carried within in the beginning of this lifetime, as a tender babe in arms.
These are the same frequencies that you chose to shut yourself off to in order to fit in and to be safe within the structures of limitation in which you found yourself living. It is no wonder that you experienced a sense of great loss and longing for something that you could no longer remember ever having.
You longed for Home. You longed to be around those who would understand and accept you, just as you are, without condition or limitation. (1)
The Light Collective: Within the families that you chose, you experienced circumstances that began to trigger for you ancient memories of trauma. With various degrees of success or not, you either chose to contract from the energies or to expand into them, integrating what you discovered there, most of which had little or nothing to do with your present life circumstances. You began to awaken to the realization that you were more than you seemed to appear as a human being. And so you continued to question everything and everyone around you and, for some, to leave family and friends to go forth on your own individual quest to self-discovery.
From the first, the energies or frequency level into which you were born were in dissonance to the ones that you carried in your little bodies. You came into embodiment carrying frequency levels much higher than the rest of humanity. For some of you, perhaps all, this was a great hardship, yet it was an experience and experiment that you undertook willingly. Each of you volunteered for this task; none of you came into embodiment unwillingly.
And those who were members of the families into which you embodied also volunteered and agreed to play out their particular roles, as those who would serve as triggers to reawaken you to your gifts, as well as to trigger ancient memories of trauma, that which had been experienced by you in other lifetimes (actually parallel lifetimes) as well as those experienced by the human collective.
Most of you choose to experience victim consciousness as much of the life stories of humanity for the past several millenniums have been ones of pain, suffering and limitation. Through your own experiences of abuse and neglect, you re-experienced the traumas of the human collective, although for the most part your present sufferings were but an echo of traumas suffered by your own being in past lives. (2)
The Light Collective: You came in with a two-part blue print or life plan. The first part of the blueprint was to experience victim consciousness, to re-experience to some degree, the old traumas of the past, awakening within a desire to search for meaning in an attempt to understand the age-old question, “Why me?” And in some instances, choosing to leave family and home in the midst of your search, you began to slowly discover the truth of your being, that you were not powerless, but extremely powerful. And if you have not yet awakened to this truth, dear ones, we will reiterate this truth to you now:
Those of you who chose to come into embodiment within the human collective have come here to act as frontrunners for the next level of human evolution, to break the bonds binding a reluctant humanity to the Earth and lead them forth into the process of becoming fully conscious galactic beings. (3)
Archangel Michael: There is a very peculiar attribute amongst human beings. On the one hand — and we are back to the seesaw, teeter-totter — but on the one hand there is the ego and the sense of self importance, and on the other hand, at the other end of the seesaw, there is this sense of false humility and lack of self-worth.
Now, what you do and what you have all done in this incarnation … is you work on the issue of self-worth. You come to acknowledge the truth that you are worthy, that you are loved, that you are lovable, and that you are the essence of love. So that brings you toward the middle. And then you work on letting-go of ego and arrogance and false pride, and that brings you to the middle. (4)
(1) “The Light Collective: On Expansion,” channeled by Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara), November 29, 2013 at https://bluedragonjournal.com.
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) Archangel Michael: You’re Now Ready to Know Who is Here,” April 10, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/04/archangel-michael-youre-now-ready-to-know-who-is-here/.