When I look at the First Contact database (https://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=First_Contact) as a whole entity, something hits me in the face. And maybe this realization is the value gained from working on it.
It’s that I see, I comprehend that there never was a generation that seemed better prepared than we are to rescue itself from violence and other forms of unworkability.
We have been so well schooled by the Company of Heaven in channeled messages that I’m amazed when I look at the whole matter together.
Because of the Internet, our consciousness spans the world. It gives a whole new meaning to the notion of the collective consciousness.
In the First Contact database, you see teachings from the Company of Heaven – which to me are the celestial, galactic, and terrestrial masters; i.e., higher-dimensional beings – that go over every aspect of our situation – what’s happened, what’s the way out, what being a lightworker means, what we’re here to do, how to lead in these events, etc.
In it, you see reflected the intentions of the Company of Heaven to thoroughly educate us – or at least provide us with an Internet Alexandrian Library to study on the fly – on how to rescue our world and reconstruct it.
Try to think of another generation that was better equipped for this task. Sumerians, Hittites, or Egyptians? Romans? Middle Ages? Nineteenth-century militarists? Twentieth-century militarists? Twenty-first-century militarists?
Our entire generation has been carefully prepared and primed to lead a worldwide rescue mission to restore this planet to sanity, safety, and compassion.
There haven’t even been popular movements before perhaps three centuries ago. Before the American and French Revolutions? Where else? Wat Tyler’s Rebellion? Bread riots in Rome?
The mass movements there have usually been associated with violence. Our generation is perhaps the first that’s not being schooled to get its way by violence.
We do live in a violent world however. And that’s the point I wish to make.
In my opinion, we lightworkers are on a rescue mission. We’re taking back, not just the night, but the entire world, the whole planet. We’re restoring to it sanity.
In some cases that means arresting people who won’t stop their criminal activity, although I’m led to believe that they’ve been given ample warning.
In other cases it means just getting them to quit. The transition of power back to the people is inevitable. Period. That’s an article of deepest faith with me.
It used to be fashionable to say, “Don’t do. Be” or to talk about a “human doing,” among my generation. But we’re entering a new phase now. In this phase of Deconstruction and Reconstruction, it’s relevant to do and we’ve been schooled in it.
What we’re going to do, if all our teaching is correct, is (1) rescue our world and (2) build Nova Earth. That involves a great deal of human doing.
The rest – such as the sudden markers of our gradual Ascension, Abundance, Disclosure, etc. – will come as they do. In my view, our job is to focus on rescuing and rebuilding Earth.
Our role is as the Mother’s stewards, her wayshowers. Hindus call this path karma yoga or seva. It’s a path to God so no one will lose out.
There’s no need to be unaware of what’s being asked of us. Currently a series is being published on the matter. (1)
But the whole database, from which the series came, is bountifully ripe with teachings on this and other relevant subjects, organized and ripe for the plucking.
It hasn’t been discovered yet. But it will be. It’s where I take all my material from when writing my articles. Garden of Eden. Reach up and pick a fruit.
Note to Self: Make a point of visiting site to see what this guy’s talking about. (https://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=First_Contact)
If I’m right, then all that remains in doubt, in this awakening phase that Michael described, (2) is how we’ll respond.
Will we treat this as just another discussion or will we awaken to an important aspect of our mission – for me it was that I couldn’t remain silent any longer on what was being done to our children.
I’ve been silent on the world scene since 2007. I have all kinds of reasons for not wanting to get involved.
But, in an instant, whatever reasons I had disappeared. All were swept away when I heard that voice on Aug. 14. (3)
Will we feel an electric jolt telling us “It’s time to get moving”? Will we hear someone whisper in our ear: “Yemen is intolerable”?
After being awakened, will we roll over and go back to sleep? Or will we look at our spiritual alarm clock and say to ourselves, “Holy cow, I need to get moving.”
We as a world need to get moving.
In my view, what this generation is here to do is: Rescue our world from criminality, restore it to safety, and rebuild Earth.
Rescue, restore, rebuild.
(1) “What Did We Come Here to Do? – Part 1/4,” August 20, 2018, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/08/20/what-did-we-come-here-to-do-part-1-4/.
(2) Steve: Is it a coincidence that three public figures – me, Paulette [Stevens], and Isaac Kappy – all came alive within a short time of each other to the need to do something about pedophilia or other chaos in our society?
Archangel Michael: No, it is the next theme, dear heart, the global theme that is unfolding at the moment and it is really – might we say – one of the basest areas of abuse that has need to be addressed.
Steve: Are there others that were awakened as well?
AAM: There have been many all over the planet that have been waking and the revelations that are taking place are also awakening many to say, “Something needs to be done.” So the time is right. (“Archangel Michael on the Need to Stop Pedophilia,” August 20, 2018, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/08/20/archangel-michael-on-the-need-to-stop-pedophilia/.)
(3) It said: “I cannot go another day without speaking out publicly against pedophilia.” And it felt urgent. I had to start writing after that.
In a reading with Archangel Michael on Sept. 21, 2018, her acknowledged that he was the source of that remark:
Steve: Now, pedophilia… Was it you who put the idea in my head in the Safeway that I cannot write another word until I write about pedophilia?
Archangel Michael: Yes, that is correct. (Archangel Michael on Pedophilia: A Little is Not Acceptable,”