17th August 2018. Mike Quinsey
Time marches on and be assured that measures are being taken to speed up the introduction of the many changes that are waiting to be introduced. It has finally been recognized that the situation is becoming intolerable and that the people are desperately waiting to see things come to fruition.
Humans by nature are inclined to be impatient, and for example some years have passed since the first mention of revaluation being prepared for introduction. Whilst it has been encouraging for you to know that preparations have been ongoing, it would seem that the delay has been way beyond expectations. So clearly it would be uplifting that some definite news could be given, with an indication of the likely timing that is expected. At least it would ease people’s concerns and put their mind at rest.
The problem has been previously explained and is due to continued interference from the dark Ones. It is becoming more under control and less effective and we know that revaluation is uppermost in your minds. Certainly the preparations have already been carried out but it is such a major operation involving so many countries, that once things can progress there is little room for error.
It must commence and finish in an extremely short time to ensure the procedure is faultless, so it is worth waiting for to ensure total success. It will be the commencement of a whole series of changes that will slowly but surely propel you into the New Age. The higher forces of Light will be involved and help ensure a faultless change over, and intruders or negative influences will be kept at bay.
As time progresses it becomes more important than ever that you keep looking to the future. Humanity as a collective is gradually becoming more powerful with their “thoughts” and we have predicted before that you will become aware of it. It is therefore essential that you start practising control over them, and avoid negative thoughts or actions where possible. You have shown that you have the power and control to do so by having reached this point in your evolution. As you make further progress and the vibrations continue to lift up, it will become even easier to stay in a positive frame of mind.
In addition to the Blue Avians many interested ET’s are in your Solar System waiting to see your Ascension take place and is an event to be celebrated. The fact that little or no publicity about it seems a sad affair, but it is understood that at present that only a small percentage of the people would be interested in it or actually believe it. However, we know that it will not deter those who are involved in it and will enjoy their own celebrations regardless of all others. Yet as time progresses awareness of such spiritual matters affecting your future will be given more prominence.
We smile at your joke referring to the dark Ones being in the “Last Chance Saloon” but we understand the significance of it. We may be in a high vibrational level of existence but do still have a sense of humour. You have a saying that “Laughter is the Best Medicine” and we could not agree more.
We realise that conditions on Earth have deteriorated and there is a general malaise brought about by the few that rule over the many. However, that will change as soon as the lessons are learned by those who are mainly affected. It is something of a legacy from the previous Age and certain groups on Earth are slow to respond to the opportunities given them to move into higher vibrations.
Many are working behind the scenes to bring matters to a close , and placing opportunities for peaceful settlements in front of those involved. There will eventually be a coming together, as it will be realised that co-operation and sharing is a far better way to bring peace about. Somewhere down the line steps including revaluation will also be taken that will help provide the basis for future peace on Earth.
The truth of what the future holds for humankind cannot be kept secret for much longer, as many advances that were held back must soon be released to allow progress to be made. Changes are pending that will make a great difference to the quality of life, the greatest example of which is free energy, and to be able to use it freely to provide hot water and heating as needed, and the many appliances that can be operated with it. It will also open the door to new devices that may otherwise be too expensive to run in the present time. The possibilities are endless including alternative forms of transport. The groundwork has been done in many cases, and it only remains for the secrecy to be lifted and allow freedom of usage.
At different times you have been spoon fed with just small bits of information as to what the future will bring, but you now deserve to be more informed. Advancement cannot be held back much longer, as it is necessary to allow people to move beyond their present point of progress. This will help them to adapt more easily to the coming changes for which they will be prepared. There will come a time when people will look back to this present period, and be thankful that sufficient progress was made to allow further gains along with the commencement of a new cycle.
You never stop learning and as soon as you pass the next marker another one appears. However evolution is carefully planned and helped by the return of selected beings having the qualities and experience needed to carry you to the next stage. It has to be set at a level that is within the capabilities of most souls, and gives ample time for information to be absorbed. Often things are chaotic for a short period but usually settle down in readiness for the next upliftment. In general you are never given too much to learn at any one time, and in any event it is up to you how quickly you advance as you are always encouraged to take things at your pace.
Never forget that you all have Guides that accompany you through your many lifetimes, and when they know you are aware of their help and guidance they can work more closely with you. At times most people talk to imaginary companions and find comfort in doing so. However, realise that they are usually real, and delight in making a thought contact with you. You sometimes call it your intuition, but your Guides often help you solve problems and give you advice, even warnings, if you are in any form of danger. Taking all things into consideration, in reality you are never alone when you have needs that you can be helped with.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
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