Credit: GreenBook Blog
As you know, I’m writing a book on the ascended masters who are here and live in non-remembrance of … everything, really … who they are, where they’ve come from, why they’re here.
It’s as if we all have collective amnesia and don’t know how to wake up from it. Obviously we came from somewhere but we don’t remember where.
Well, if we step out of that collective amnesia for even a short while, by, say, writing a book about who is here, life gets more interesting.
I’m beginning to connect with exactly who it is that’s here.
When I begin to connect with who it is that’s here, changes began to happen.
For instance, I feel bigger, much bigger, than I was. Not physically, but more spacious. I keep finding myself sitting erect and breathing more deeply.
Feeling that way comes in flashes. But it has a residual impact on me each time, much like basting the turkey, repeatedly, to brown it.
I regard what’s happening as a progressive revelation. In some way I’m being led to expand at the moment. And I can’t discern the process. It’s almost as if I’ve been dehydrated and I’m being rehydrated again.
That’s one of the changes that investigating who it is that’s here has triggered in me.
Another is that I feel like shouting what I’m learning from the rooftops. I want to start publishing on the subject as soon as I can. Probably sooner than I should, in haste to get the word out.
I’m really excited. When I fully get who’s here, it transforms everything.
And, as with all of these realizations and revelations, all one wants to do is to help others have it or share it.
I have a much deeper respect for who it is that’s out there, who’s on the other end of the line – you.
I can’t describe the variation in who we all are, the multitudes of dimensions and transdimensions, the universes we come from, the legendary figures of our history who are here again, the beings hardly ever glimpsed before who have incarnated, etc.
I have 117 pages of quotations on the subject. And I’m patiently going through them, reading and organizing them. It has an effect on a person.
What is that effect? I’m thunderstruck by what I’ve been shown. What before seemed big to me at this moment seems small. Nothing I can think of that interested me before interests me right now. Anything I would have desired to do I no longer desire it in this moment.
Whatever this sensation is may pass but it remains true for me at this instant.
I had this same feeling when I was given a glimpse of my Higher Self, a sight so sacred that I still cannot bring myself to talk about it.
I walked around in a daze for a while after that and the same here. At this moment, I feel dazzled by who is here.
Namaste. You who are here, I bow before your eternal Self.