When we truly LOVE our self, our ego, there is no separation within/without from One, from Source.
When we do, there is understanding of the Mother’s Love and the knowing of the Love of the Father.
On all levels — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual — old entrenched beliefs in separation, punishment are not of truth.
Sanat Kumara, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, tells us: “We see disease as an external event that is internalized grief, mourning, sadness, disenchantment, war.” (1)
There is space for being in the Now,
where the emptiness allows for inspiration,
place of peace and serenity, where ego is Love,
place of forgiving and forgiveness, where God is Love,
place of compassion, gratitude for everything life teaches.
We are the Mother’s Movement of Love with the wisdom, the Love of the Father, where the Mother and the Father are ONE. I Am because we are.
Unity. . . Oneness. . . seeing how building societies that work begins where everyone/thing is LOVED, the Mother’s Movement with the Wisdom of the Father, the LOVE.
Sanat Kumara:
“When you reach — now we are talking collective consciousness — when you reach a realization as a race called Gaians that you are not alone in the multi-verse, it changes the perceptual mindset of how things such as governments, which is really stewardship, is managed and organized.
“So, with Love — and I am not talking as some would say pie in the sky — I am talking the practicality of living the Mother’s Love – with that comes the elimination – yes, not decentralization, not the softening – the elimination of structures that want to control.”
We are eliminating the insidious belief that “God is punishing” — bigotry, hatred, limitation, control — and that we are separate, a disappointment to the Mother, because of what we have created here on Earth.
From these experiences we know what doesn’t work Now and understand that the Mother forgives everything.
As within, so without,
patterning the Movement of Mother’s Breath,
Love within, Love without.
Sanat Kumara: “If your daily life, if your in-breath and your out-breath are not in alignment with Love, with the Truth of Who You Are, bright angels, then the external construction will not be of the truth and the peace and the Love that you are seeking. It will not be the genuine reflection of the Universe that rests within thee.”
I go into the fray, the chaos
being the example of no separation,
of the LOVE for the most disenfranchised,
the most addicted, the homeless to the most wealthy,
with the knowing of no lack of self-worth, no lack of self-love,
no punishment, no separation –
the Wisdom of the Father.
Sanat Kumara: “The galactics are helping you. There is new technology being seeded upon your planet every day. The explosion, shall we put it that way, of new inventions, new technology is not coincidental. So do not feel that your brothers and sisters of the various forces are not in active assistance. They are.” (4)
As ONE in balance,
that wide line in the middle,
in forgiveness, compassion, gratitude,
in peace, LOVE and JOY for sacred mission,
in co-creation with our Star Brothers and Sisters.
Sanat Kumara:
“Joy overrides everything. Joy is the ability, the choice, the capacity, the practice to stay in the Love, to be the Love, to experience and to express the Love regardless of what is transpiring, both in what you assume – and I do mean assume – is actuality, or reality that is unseen.
“Joy allows you to move into the knowing of Love, and in that knowing there is in fact greater joy, greater bliss, greater peace, greater truth because they are stand-alones.”

Thank you, Sanat Kumara.
(1) “Sanat Kumara on the Changes Happening to Us,” January 30, 2017, channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, All quotes are from the same source.
Sanat Kumara on Tender, Gentle, Loving Relationships
“If you wish to have an assignment, let me give it to you three ways. Choose a partner. It may be a family member. It may be a friend. This is over and above the millions that each of you are working with. It may be a stranger. Every day engage either mentally, esoterically or actually in a kind and loving exchange of relationship that is expressive and reflective and in alignment with how you love and treat yourself and, in reciprocity, how you love and wish to be treated every day.
“Then formulate the same relationship with prayer, meditation, intent with your water and with your food. If you were to do these very simple and most difficult three things: individual, your water, and your food. Kind, loving, nurturing and gentle, for one month, and we, I offer you a date my friend, and we were to revisit this in one month, the shift upon your planet would be unbelievable. I do not say significant. I say unbelievable. Because you would be breaking the old pattern and erecting, constructing new, ignoring what does not serve because it does not serve. And anchoring what does serve, what fills your heart with supreme gladness in form. That is why I am suggesting to each of you, to engage with a friend, a family member or a stranger and watch it blossom.
“Watch it blossom. Watch the old pattern smash away and the new that is underneath truly shine like the brilliant pattern of the Mother and the Father that it is.
“I would be glad to help you! I invite all of you to call on me. It is time to truly see and experience, in form, in this lifetime, in this time, the beauty of what it means to be on Gaia at this time.” (1)