Zingdad’s Adamu is one of the most perceptive of our sources. I personally wish everyone had a chance to listen to him.
This retreat in Hawaii is mainly with Zingdad himself, with Adamu in the evenings.
Standing in the Light of Your Divine Self
by email
Zingdad’s Hawaiian Retreat September 2018
Are you ready to receive the keys to the deepest healing of your mind, body and spirit?
Are you ready to learn how to release your hurts, your blockages and your victim states?
Are you ready to discover your own Divine Light and to use that Light for the transformation of your being?
Are you ready to know that the ability to heal yourself is your divine right?
And do you feel called to be a healer of others too?
If you find yourself eagerly saying YES! then this is for YOU!
Join Zingdad for 6 days and 6 nights of life-altering spiritual transformation in magnificent Maui, Hawaii.
Empower yourself with the tools that will serve your soul’s journey all the way Home to the heart of the Oneness.
Learn how to perform SOUL RE-INTEGRATION healing upon yourself… and others!
AND BONUS! Spend each evening around the bonfire under the stars being enthralled by magical, heart opening stories shared by Adamu and friends!
Now read on to find out more about this amazing event and to book your seat here: