Recently my friend, Cantor Lee Degani, had a dream about us where we met at some kind of event.
I had a script with the roles for each to play and I’d brought some food. She said I was so hungry I couldn’t wait to eat and I devoured a big piece of chicken!
Wondering what it was about I listened and saw that the work I have done with Universal Law aids in discovery of sacred purpose, “the roles we play.”
Devouring chicken: What am I chicken of, afraid of?
As we journey along our paths, there is often much fear to overcome, and we can choose to transmute fear, to overcome fear — to eat “chicken” — to face it, to change it to right alignment, to be Love.
Fear is a core issue of “I’m a disappointment” that can be changed.
We are not here to live in fear, in disappointment, in sorrow or depression.
We are here to be LOVE.
St. Theresa, who taught us the blessing and virtue of purity (1) in 2013, helps us understand fear:
“One of the most effective ways that I have dealt with fear is to connect, not only above, but with Gaia, to place my feet, my body, my energy upon this mighty beautiful planet because she is courageous, she is filled with valour and she is filled with truth and justice and balance.
“So when you anchor yourself it helps you from being buffeted by these winds of drama and allows you to stay firm; the little flower with the strong stem, the rose. Do not forget the rose also has thorns.
“So when I say to you to anchor and to be the beauty and the purity, it also means to protect your sacred self but to stay in the Love. That is the only way.
“And the fear is always future based. It is concern about what may or may not happen. So when you stay in your Now, then you are gaining strength.”
When we look directly at issues we can change, such as violence against women, gun violence, pollution, the political situation or the overdose crisis, to name a few, and face our fear that there is nothing we can do, we find we have the courage to start, to expand into the Mother’s Plan, our plan, the highest vision of LOVE.
We are eliminating all the entrenched beliefs, the false grids of the old paradigm, bigotry, hatred, limitation, control, facing our fear of change, for change into Nova Being to create Nova Earth.
St. Theresa says:
“When you move in the Now to the acceptance as the totality of yourself, what you will see is that all the lesser functions of the old paradigms fade away.
“That is why I have focused on prayer, on Love, on service, because when you are doing that, the rest fades away and the ability to let go of those momentary blips, shall we say, on the screen, of anger or fear or distain, they simply become, they come and go and you look at them like a piece of dandelion fluff just floating away from you.
“You are in the perfection of the Mother’s Design and Plan and you are in the perfection of your design and plan.
“It does not need to be altered, it needs to be recognized and embraced, and lived to the fullest.
“To practice purity does not mean that you do not sing and dance with the flowers and the fairies, it means you do, that you celebrate the beauty that you have been gifted with, and that you have chosen for this lifetime.”
We are here to be Love,
create new societies in balance that benefit everyone,
little steps to giant steps.
I Am because We Are.

With much gratitude to Cantor Lee Degani for her enlightening dream
and to Godfrey Sequeira for passing along the message about UBUNTU.
(1) “St. Theresa of Liseux Discusses the Divine Quality of Purity,” March 1, 2013, channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love,