(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)
Jesus: You say that you are at a crossroads, and you are.
But I want you, I ask you, I guide you to linger at the crossroads and not feel a sense of, “I need to decide.” Because my friend, what we are doing is returning the love to you.
When you feel pushed and pulled by too many demands, including work by the way, but too many responsibilities, what you do is that you go into override. But what this override is about is override of yourself.
I cannot have that. I have need of you in the fullness of my beloved brother Bright Star. So I am taking care of this.
Bright Star: Thank You. You know, it’s very good to have this conversation because I really feel that the story that S and I are writing together, is not over yet.
Jesus: No, it is not.
Bright Star: And there is a loving bond between us and I am simply not ready to give it up, simply not. Because there is much, much love, true love, unconditional love from myself towards her and I feel also from her to me. So why should I leave?
Jesus: If you did not have, both of you, the unconditional love you would not have made it this far.
Bright Star: So, you recommend or can you support this step that I just not give up and go along with her and see what the future will bring? Because I’m really interested to see, together with her, what comes?
Jesus: This is why I encourage you to just linger at the crossroads because first, the renewal, the reawakening of the love for you. And by the way, she is not so consciously being worked on at the same level. The Magdalena is working with her.
Then you reawaken the love you share so that you are bringing the fullness, No, it is not over! …
Bright Star: Thank you so much for this. Michael told me that I would be present in this incarnation for a very long time. Is this still accurate?
Jesus: Yes.
Bright Star: So, when we go along this ascension path, marriage or this sacred partnership; will this go on after ascension or will this transform into… I don’t know what?
Jesus: It can continue and that is a heart and a soul decision because the love never disappears. As you well know, you meet people whom you instantly love because you have loved them forever.
In that elongated journey, there comes a time, not out of conflict but out of excitement and the expansion of the journey, where one may say, “I need to go. I want to go. I choose to go and do X.” So are there some decision points along the way. So there are choices, obviously. And the nature of relationship, shall we say, expands.
Right now, when you think of the institution of marriage as is, rather than what I am calling sacred partnership, it is rather restrictive. And that is not the nature of true heart partnership and so it will be broader, more flexible. But there is also the opportunity to travel for hundreds and hundreds of years together, if that is what you choose.
Bright Star: Okay, I understand, yes.
So any outlook for what is in store for me on my spiritual journey?
Jesus: Right now, what feels like a challenge is in fact one of your quantum leaps. Because you are declaring, implementing, living the change but also the expansion into greater love. This is good.
And as you go through this, this is part of what you are doing with your beloved wife. You are saying, and then you are doing (which is far more important) that you can love without restriction. Now you will remember that you have been told, guided, asked to stretch time every day.
When you are stretching time, think of it in this way; do with me. That you are stretching time so that you have enough time for intimacy, for love, for talking, for sharing with your beloved. That you have enough time and energy. Let’s stretch the energy as well, for your children and we’re not going to talk so much about stretching time for work. There is more than enough time spent at work.
But let’s stretch the time to make more room for friends, for fun, for laughter, for ease. This is your quantum leap so that instead of your work and the feeling of responsibilities being 90% of your pie, that that sense now became 20% of your pie.
I am doing this with you. And understand the conflict that you are experiencing is because you are coming (and I am glad you are coming, I support your coming) from a different realm, from a different dimension, a different paradigm. Do not back up.
I am with you my beloved brother, I am with you. Go with my never-ending love.