Bright Star (1) has allowed us to listen in on a discussion he had with Jesus.
In it, Bright Star reports that not all has been roses since his heart opening in December of 2017.
He’s had difficulty finding people who understand what happened to him. His heart opening led to friction in his marriage.
He lets us listen in while he discusses with Jesus what he should do about his situation and, having explored it, arrives at the decision that he’s committed to staying in his marriage and welcoming the new. We’re incredibly privileged to be part of this discussion.
Jesus re-opens his heart in the middle of the reading.
Jesus also shares a lot about his own relationship to the Magdalena and their ups and downs, triumphs and “course corrections.”
I’m deeply honored that Bright Star is willing to take us inside the work he’s doing in his relationship, the reading of which may benefit a lot of people.
Jesus in a personal reading with Bright Star through Linda Dillon, July 19, 2018. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.
Jesus: Greetings, I am Yeshua. Welcome my beloved brother, brother of heart, brother of journey, brother of change.
And, yes, I have come first and foremost, even asking Michael to step aside and most certainly asking [archangel – inaudible] to step aside, to speak to you of the nature of sacred union, of what you think of or call in your societies, marriage.
Because I have walked this journey and the treasure and the joy of sacred union, and particularly sacred partnership, while you are in physicality in form, is such a precious gift. And it is a gift that sustains you, as it has and does by the way, sustain me.
Now you have been given this enormous gift because you have asked.
And you have received this gift of a heart opening, of heart expansion and that does not change. Although you feel you have had difficulty accessing the joy of light, the love of light [of late].
What has occurred, my beloved friend, in this massive opening, think of it as your operating system, the paradigm, the very structure of who you are has shifted so significantly. And is continuing to, by the way, as you are taking these quantum leaps, even when they feel as if it is at a snail’s pace.
Who you are has changed. Not the essential self. Of course not. But the essential self, the true you has truly engaged and activated, shall I say. So in some ways, in your interactions, particularly with those that are close to you, it almost feels like they are, or you are, a walk-in.
Because the match, the mesh, the reflection, the mirror… It does not feel like it is there any more. Now as you know, so I don’t need to tell you, but there has been some friction and differences in your relationship with the person, the woman that you call your wife and spouse. For some time it has been an up-and-down situation. And might I say at this moment, it is more down than up.
And so I say to you, not in the way of dismissing your marriage, but I have come to talk to you angel to angel, man-to-man, spirit to spirit, and heart-to-heart. This is blocking your joy.
And the purpose of union, of sacred union, of sacred partnership is to open, increase and support not merely the journey or the work, not just the family, but the essential spirit and the joy, the love.
And dare I say, and I am not being dismissive of your union, but otherwise, what is the point? Yes, it is true. In all relationships, there are ebbs and flows and issues that need to be addressed. And so it is been with my beloved Magdalena.
But the agreement, the love factor was so strong, unshakable that it was beyond question whether we address this or that issue or adjusted this or that way because, essentially, we were happy. We were in joy.
So when there was a slight blip, it was simply a matter of a very quick course correction. And we faced many challenges – societal, workwise, the loss of a child, the knowing of my demise, being despised by some, descried by many.
I am not suggesting to you that you cannot find your way back to the love but it is twofold. One, is do you want to? And does she want to? Because there is a great deal of vacillation and wavering on her side as well. Does she and both of you think, “We don’t think this is really worth it anymore.” And if it wasn’t for family, that decision would already have been made.
But the true thing that I want you to [do is to] turn to me. I will guide you, I will hold your hand. I will walk with my hand on your shoulder every step of the way. I am begging you to turn back to the love of your sacred self. That is what the heart opening has been all about.
It was not to create more confusion or disarray although it does create disarray because as I say, you aren’t exactly you anymore. But I want you to come to know, as I know you, this bigger expanded self.
Because right now what you are doing is saying, “What’s wrong with me? What am I doing? Why am I creating all these situations and friction and conflict?”
And part of it is that you are fed up. And I know what that feels like. You are fed up with human beings who are thinking, behaving, acting, and even dreaming in very small ways. And you are saying, “Wait, wait a minute. Look over here. This is what we are intended to do. This is who we really are.”
So you are fed up but at the same time, it is leaving you to question your self. So what I’m asking you, right now with me, is let us open your heart again to the love of [Bright Star]; to the love of who you are, to the love of Santa Maria [Mary, the Divine Mother].
Not that you are this or that but that you are all and you are precious. You’ve asked in reference to the Arcturian channel, which was very good by the way, whether in fact – not only the alignment with your wife but the alignment with the institutions etc., the belief systems, the structures which you know is part of your work – whether that had changed so significantly that it just didn’t align or drive anymore.
And that is true. Because you are a systems buster. You are an agent of change, you are an angel of change. And what is going on is that you are in the new.
I am not, let me be very clear, dismissing marriage. In fact, I love marriage but I love marriage not as a legal obligation or construct or being tied down. I cherish marriage as sacred union, as that heart commitment/ vow/ connection that supports each party.
Not in towing the line, but in the fulfilment of their dreams. There is a space of conjoining but that is done out of love, not out of any sense of obligation. There is a very big difference between responsibility, accountability and obligation. Love is not based in obligation.
Now where do you wish to begin my friend?
Bright Star: Thank you very much for coming through today and I’m very glad that you are here. Thank you so much.
Jesus: It is my joy.
Bright Star: You feel that it is very hard for me at the moment because I really love my family on the one hand, my wife Michael has told me, or Santa Maria told me that she has sent her/has chosen her to be my partner in this incarnation.
We are currently at a crossroads I think. I believe there is love but the love is overshadowed with all the responsibilities we have towards our three kids, whom I love dearly. But they consume so much energy and that’s really hard for me at the moment to be, to express the love. I really feel in half and I feel like I’m blocked.
So I think my first question to you would be, you mentioned back to the loving of my sacred self. How can I re-access this love and shut off the blocking of love?
Jesus: First of all, let me begin by saying that your children are fine. They are stellar. Are they high demand and maintenance? Yes. But it cannot, hear what I say, overshadow.
You know when I was with Magdalena, very often, I would say or she would say that the obligations, not just to family, but to friends and followers was so much that we never have enough time for ourselves or for each other. And we always corrected that. It was almost as if in your terms, it would be on AutoCorrect. So let me, right now, with you unblock your heart.
Bright Star: Yes please.
[45 seconds silence]
Jesus: And repeat with me, “I love me”
Bright Star: I love me
Jesus: “I allow me to love me”
Bright Star: I allow me to love me.
Jesus: “I welcome my love for me”
Bright Star: I welcome my love for me.
[20 seconds]
Jesus: This will continue throughout the day. No, you will not be having a heart attack. It is simply the reopening.
(Concluded in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) “Bright Star: An Account of a Heart Opening,”