How to be a “REAL” Man in 5D-The New Masculinity
Alexander Papageorghiou, Inidgo Light, n.d.
Throughout our lives in the Third Dimension, we have gotten to know a monosyllabic, rugged, brutal, and often cold side of masculinity which has stayed engraved in us. It has become synonymous with our heroes, on the silver screen, in sports, and in our personal lives.
3D Man has been extolled for, or expected to be strong, unwavering, in control and able to deal with any situation. Emotions have been branded as something that must be totally internalized. Showing them has become equitable with weakness and femininity.
Over the years this notion has become engraved in our psyches, whether we like to accept it or not, and thus become as real as we have allowed to be. This perception was manufactured by the society of that time and we have succumbed to this false ideology.
We can see it the world over, the mere notion that men are a certain way and women must be a certain way, dictated by gender roles, themselves a fabrication of the 3D male ego. Unfortunately for this old energy, the world has changed, a paradigm shift has occurred, and it now finds itself obsolete, grasping for its last breath.
Our Gender roles are morphing with the Ascension, the judgement, the pressure to be a certain way. The total lie that all this is is being revealed more day after day. The Male EGO from 3D is being seen as more and more juvenile in its desire to control, rule and avoid accepting its own faults.
The truth is simple and unveiled in 5D. All beings on this planet have emotions, they all experience sadness, love, loneliness. The notion that a real man has to be above all that is the notion that he must be inhuman, since all these things are exactly what makes us human. All these emotions are synonymous with weakness in this faulty mindset, emotions are feminine and femininity, in a man’s eyes, takes a negative connotation.
Overall, the 3D Male EGO has been very unevolved and simplistic for the last 5000 years, it couldn’t envision the truth, that emotion is strength, love is strength, and honesty with oneself, the willingness to address the darkest parts of our psyche and to face the real pain, that is the truest form of strength that can exist.
The 3D strength exists only in the most superficial of ways and will erode at the first sight of deep emotional upset. In that sense, women immediately have the benefit, the conviviality, the sisterhood, and they do not fear that ever-pervasive word which all men run from at one point or another: LOVE.
In this new age we speak of truth, of the veil lifting and whatever is being left is what was always there. Whatever man one is today, and I speak as a man who has gone full circle on this issue, he was once a boy, he cried, he feared, and he was comforted by a woman who shielded him from harm, who loved him, and taught him she would be there if he ever needed her, his mother.
That same boy never went away. He lives in every man. How the male ego, before the Ascension, created and accepted that sentiment, love, and femininity were suddenly a weakness is a mystery, the same energy that brought them into this world, raised them and safeguarded them for so many years.
In every man lives a woman and in every woman lives a man. We are inseparable. The Source has no gender identity. We are merely experiencing this reality in this polarity this time around. Men who wish to evolve and progress with Ascension must accept their right-brain, their femininity, the stream of love, not as a negative thing but as the salvation of their spirit, as the nutrition their heart has needed for so, so long.
They need to shed this fear of being vulnerable and accept that by breaking through this they can address the issues that haunt them at their deepest core, and be liberated finally. It is infinitely more difficult to be a man who is honourable, accountable, vulnerable, loving, flexible and willing to change through introspection, than to be a hyper-masculine, bullheaded, closed-off, pugilistic archetypal MAN. There is more juvenile in than man than anything else, and the time to grow up is right now.
A man wrote this, and he has been through the full cycle. It isn’t easy, but nothing real ever is. It is the most gratifying and liberating thing he has ever done. He is now free of the pressure of being what he thought he needed to be a “man”.