A discussion went on at Dinar Chronicles aimed at getting the endless disputes to stop.
Wildfirelady wrote the initial post. (1) I replied. (2) And Dan Clizer responded to us both. I post his article because he made some very good points and made them very well.
Re: Anna, Kim, Wildfirelady, and Steve Beckow” by Dan Clizer – 7.22.18
(1) “To Anna Von Reitz and Kim Possible” by Wildfirelady – 7.22.18″ at httpss://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2018/07/to-anna-von-reitz-and-kim-possible-by.html
(2) “Re: To Anna Von Reitz and Kim Possible” by Steve Beckow – 7.22.18″ at httpss://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2018/07/re-to-anna-von-reitz-and-kim-possible.html