Another heads-up for next Friday the 27th (1), shared by Petra Pixie McGuire on FaceBook.
By Magenta Pixie, July 21, 2018
If the US and Russia are seen to be unified then this removes the STS (2) ‘Last Stand’ for division.
Their last chance to create seeds into WW3 timeline (which was averted fully with Trump’s win) as they cling on, in desperation, to their dream of a fragmented, controlled, disempowered world, WE stand strong in the unity of all.
Hold space dear starseeds for unity, love, light, empowerment and liberty as we pass through the New Cosmic Year point, Full Blood Moon, Total Lunar Eclipse 27th July 2018 into the Lion’s Gate.
This energy portal ‘seals the deal’ for FULL unification and COMPLETION of the polarity 3D cycle.
US and Russia unity and peace talks with other world leaders are the physical manifestations of the Divine Princess Aurora consciousness (the heart, minds and energetic frequencies of the starseeds on Earth) keep shining bright ones for YOU are the ‘solar flashes’ that shall change the world.
~ Magenta Pixie
(1) Sandra Walter: Living the Metaphor of Resurrection: Eclipse Season Shifts
(2) STS ~ Service to self