As I said yesterday, I’m reproducing a two-part series from 2014 on our angelic background because … it feels like it’s time to be discussing these matters.
The best time seems to be before Disclosure, after which we’ll find ourselves front and center without knowing why or what to do.
The first point to be made, as this series does is: Most lightworkers on the planet at the present time have some connection with the angelic kingdom.
Why make that point? Because we don’t know who we are, collectively, and so we lack cohesion and confidence in ourselves. But we are angels.
(Concluded from Part 1.)
(2) Those who Descended from the Angelic Kingdom to Assist with This Ascension
Before we turn to our identity as angels, I’d like to spend a moment looking at why the celestials have not told us about this before. And I’d like to look as well at how they are more and more required to let go of intervening in our affairs and let us test our wings, so to speak.
The celestials have appeared to work their way up to revealing that a large number of light workers here to assist with Ascension are angels. Archangel Michael told us that he had not revealed this fact before because we were not ready to hear it:
“This is the circle of 6 billion-plus that I chose to do this with. So, yes. You have gathered from far and wide, seraphs, archangels, those from the Outer Forces, the Inner Forces. It is a gathering the magnitude of which you are just glimpsing. …
“So then you say to me, ‘Well, Lord, why have you not spoken of this before?’ Because you weren’t ready. Period. Within that sense of lack of self-worth and the ego out of control, you weren’t ready to have this conversation. You weren’t ready to be in that place of the balance, which is the place that you create from.” (1)
Lest we think that only the celestials say this, here is the Arcturian Group saying it as well:
“You are Divine beings in your real identity and therefore have infinite sources of ideas and ways of doing and being. The problem has been that you have not known this and most were not ready to know this until now. In your ignorance you have believed yourselves to be less than the lowest. [Eg., “sinful,” “born in sin,” etc.]
“Churches taught that you were worms in the dust until you performed certain rituals or believed certain doctrines. In your ignorance, you accepted this, freely giving your power to those who would then claim it for themselves, convincing you that only they knew what was best for you.“ (2)
The fact that we are ready also has an impact on the way events are played out. While humanity was still in its infancy, the celestials could intervene in our affairs.
But now that we’re entering into partnership with them, they’re required to stand back and allow us to work things out.
Archangel Michael discusses that here:
“We give you a little hint. We give you a little nudge. Sometimes we give you a very big nudge. But when it comes down to your decisions, the collective and the individual, we do not interfere.
“There were times, particularly in the density of the very dark times, when the illusions of humanity were so dark and so enmeshed that we were permitted more what you would think of as interference and what we would think of as protection and intervention.
“But those paradigms, those false grids, those false belief systems are disintegrating even as we speak, as you begin — and you are already underway in your Ascension process.
“So are we in greater partnership? Yes. Are we in less what you would think of as interference or intervention? Yes.” (3)
During 2013, the celestials, galactics and ascended masters began more and more revealing that the largest number of lightworkers were in fact from the angelic kingdom.
In April 2013, the angels, speaking through Tazjima, called us “our human angels, who have bravely embodied on mother earth in this time of glorious transition.” (4)
In June 2014, Jesus called us “the angels of the new age” and revealed that:
“You have come to the Earth to usher in the new time, and you come in peace. You no longer come here with the sword of the ego unsheathed, you come here in peace. Now is the time to again take up your strength and to dare to believe in yourself.
“Yes, you are that angel of peace, because in you the cycle of lives has come to completion: from dark to light, from ego to heart, and you now want to embrace the heart based consciousness that is the result of all that experience.” (5)
The Pleiaidians through Bella Capozzi informed us that “you are each precious angels in human form. You are here with a purpose, each and every one – a purpose most unique and unlike that of any other. You are on earth as representatives of the many cultures and races who watch you with avid fascination.” Gradually the veil is falling away revealing the truth to us.
“You are a diverse community at the the very least. With the dismantling of the veil, this diversity and it’s accompanying intricacies are being gradually revealed to you along with your memories, your contractual obligations, your origins and the true facts about your history. For those who chose to take on a more cumbersome veil of forgetfulness, you have known yourselves only as your current, perceptually limited human self. …
“It has been difficult, no question about it. Yet the truth is that you are so very much more than you ever might imagine!” (6)
And Archangel Michael has also revealed the truth: “Most of you are certainly of the angelic realm. That is where you have come from, not as a step down, but as a sacred service to break the old illusions of Earth, so that the new third reality can emerge.” (7)
I asked him if he was saying many humans were formerly angels and he replied in the affirmative:
“And they will be angels when they relinquish their physical forms and complete their missions upon the planet.” (8)
That is comforting. I don’t particularly want to be bound to the lower dimensions after my mission is complete.
“Know that you are the agents, and the angels, of change,” he requested of us. “You are anchoring Nova Earth.” (9)
He suggested that “there are many of you who have retained the quality of your angelic self. And you know them. You look around. You even say to them, ‘You are such an angel!’ There is a sweet, kind light about these beings.”
“And they tend to know who they are. And they tend to know that they are an Earth angel for a while in human form, and then they will simply return. And as they shed the human form mantle, they will resume their angelic form and simply continue on.” (10)
Dare to be Fully Angelic
Now the Divine Mother calls on us to awaken to the knowledge of who we are and embrace the fullness of our being.
“Sweet angels, it is time for you to know, to embrace, to engender the fullness of your being, the delight, the magnificence, the innocence and the wonder and the power, the will, the truth of who you are.” (11)
“Mary” through Pamela Kribbe challenges us: “Dare to be fully here as the angel that you are, and to fully receive what you need to shine your light.” (12)
Archangel Michael tells us how to do that: to invite our angelic self back in:
“Do not forget to invite your own angelic self to be with you. This is not your higher self. If you want to think in the way you do, in terms of layers, think of your angelic self as above your higher self and pull them all in—to your core, to your heart, to your feet, to your toes. Because our purpose in speaking of this is for you to acknowledge and to know your own being as well.” (13)
Everything about our process of Ascension seems to be gradually unfolding – until it reaches a flash point, after which we’re told things will move quickly. Our unfolding knowledge of ourselves is no exception.
Whether we came from the angelic kingdom long ago to experience life in form and have lived as humans ever since or whether we came from that kingdom recently to help with the first ever physical and mass Ascension, the fact remains that we already carry an angelic inheritance.
And the time approaches when that inheritance will be actualized, by energetic washes, by the trigger of codes in our DNA, and by the acquisition of our light bodies.
(1) Archangel Michael: You’re Now Ready to Know Who is Here,” April 10, 2013, at
(2) The Arcturian Group, Aug. 16, 2011, at
(3) “Archangel Michael: You’re Now Ready to Know Who is Here,” ibid.
(4) “A Message from the Angels via Tazjima: Being Grace,” as channeled by Tazjima – April 6, 2013, at
(5) “Mary: We are not Complete Without You,” channeled by Pamela Kribbe, June 9, 2014 at English translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan.
(6) “Pleiadian Message via Bella Capozzi: Angels In Human Form,” as channeled by Bella Capozzi – May 1, 2013, at
(7) “Archangel Michael: Back to the One with the Speed of Love,” July 16, 2013, at
(8) Archangel Michael in “Archangels Michael and Gabrielle on the Angelic Realm: Hour with an Angel Transcript, March 26, 2012,” at
(9) “Archangel Michael: Welcome to This Time of Re-Awakening – Part 2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 30, 2013, at
(10) “Archangel Michael: The First Form You Assumed was Angelic,” July 7, 2013, at
(11) The Divine Mother through Linda Dillon on The Tsunami of Love Livestream, June 10, 2014, at
(12) “Mary: Money and Abundance,” ibid.
(13) Archangel Michael in “Archangels Michael and Gabrielle on the Angelic Realm,” ibid.