The Intergalactic Council is like a United Nations that works (Archangel Michael)
After Disclosure, then what?
Well, lots of us may choose to work with the galactics or their civilizations, especially those civilizations nearing an Ascension as we are or wanting to know about the first Ascension of its type – that happening on Gaia at the present time.
I know I will.
To begin to probe into the subject, I need first to mention three galactic organizations, the main players in our unfolding entry into cosmic society.
They are the Galactic Federation of Light, the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies, and, behind both of them, the Intergalactic Council.
In February of 2018, Archangel Michael explained the difference between the GFOL and UFOG.
Steve Beckow: Is GFOL a member of UFOG?
Archangel Michael: No, they are a member of the Intergalactic Council. They are most certainly allies of UFOG. They do not consider themselves as separate the way that nations on the planet [Earth] do.
Steve: Now the Intergalactic Council… Wow! Where do they come in? Do they command the GFOL and UFOG?
AAM: Think of it more as an interstellar United Nations; only this one works.
Steve: Aha, and does it cover the entire universe?
AAM: Yes, but much of their focus at this moment is on Earth and Gaia but, yes, it covers the entire universe. (1)
Earth has a seat on the Intergalactic Council, apparently represented by Wakana Taka and others. Cdr Ashira of UFOG tells us:
“Earth, Gaia (sometimes also known as Gia [2]), that we often call Terra Nova, has been part of the Intergalactic Council for well over a decade.
“Your original representatives, Wakana Taka and company, those who have also served at the council fire of Mother Gaia, have performed and served extraordinarily well, but this delegation, as we would call it, is rapidly expanding.
“Your period of internship is over. The period of finding your legs, as it were, is over. And it is time for Earth, for Gaia, to be fully represented – and not only in ceremonial ways but fully as humans.” (3)
This expanded delegation won’t simply shake hands and sign documents – what he calls “ceremonial” duties – but represent Earth in an entire spectrum of roles – information officers, teachers, lecturers, economists, trade representatives, etc. I can imagine that it’ll be an unsurpassable learning experience to work for our new galactic organization or the Intergalactic Council.
A decade is not a long time to be represented on a body (Intergalactic Council) that has probably been functioning for eons.
The particular species of humans that we are hasn’t been on Earth that long. SaLuSa tells us:
“You are a special species of Humans that have taken over from Cro-Magnon Man, and have been genetically engineered to allow for a speeding up in your evolution.” (4)
There have been many other human species before us, hints of whose civilizations we uncover from time to time. Not just thousands of years before us but perhaps as many as hundreds of thousands of years.
We’re new arrivals to be sure – newly arriving in the Fifth Dimension and newly arriving on the Gaian and galactic scene. But the galactic scene itself has been functioning for time out of mind.
The Divine Mother extended her invitation to us lightworkers and loveholders to build a new world. “Build what is divinely beautiful. I give you my divine authority to do so,” she told us. (5) Those who build that new world, I predict, will sit on the Intergalactic Council, as Michael implies here:
“Those who are in a position of stewardship, of beginning projects that lead the way to the building and the re-creation of what Nova Earth is truly about … become the spokesbeings for many. Then the safety, security, and welcome factor for the star family becomes more apparent.” (6)
That’s you he’s talking about. You become the spokesbeings for many because of your stewardship – not necessarily financial – and then the galactics have human beings and lightworkers whom they can properly deal with. The safety factor of being with us goes up as a result of our being willing to engage in this post-Reval character-building process.
By “build” I mean contribute to the rise of a new society that works for everyone, built over top of the last society that worked for only a few. I don’t mean raising girders and pouring concrete.
Who would fill those places but us lightworkers? Says Michael:
“If no [lightworker] steps forward into [leadership] then there is a massive vacuum.” (7)
Don’t be looking to me to lead or sit on the Intergalactic Council. My mission is to be a communicational bridge between galactics and humans. I’ll be writing about you on the Council. That’s what I do: I write.
So please let’s move on from the vague discussions we used to have – I want to be an ambassador; I want to travel in space; I want to sit on the council.
You will. Or you won’t. It’s up to you – and the Mother. But certainly the door, I strongly believe, is now open.
Apprenticeship may be required. And lots of interest and high intention.
But, when you, me and all of us see who’s here, you very well might consider a seat on the Intergalactic Council.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 20, 2018.
(2) Probably the origin of words like Geo-logy and Geo-graphy. It isn’t that the galactics stole our Greek. It’s that the Greeks adopted their galactic language.
(3) “Commander Ashira of UFOG ~ We Are Your Complements!,” at https://tinyurl.com/zglwcua.
(4) SaLuSa, Aug. 25, 2010, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(5) “Transcript ~ The Divine Mother: Take Up Your Divine Authority, AHWAA, February 23, 2017,” February 28, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/02/28/transcript-divine-mother-take-divine-authority-ahwaa-february-23-2017/
(6) “Transcript: Archangel Michael – On Mastery and Leadership, April 16, 2015,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/04/25/transcript-archangel-michael-on-mastery-and-leadership-april-16-2015/.
(7) Archangel Michael in a personal reading, ibid, May 27, 2016.