“Expanding into your Higher Senses”
with Tiara Kumara and Ravi Walsh (Bios)
Get ready for some major expansion with this one! Our next Empowerment transmission is helping you to:
* Expand your sensory capabilities to be more sensitive and more inward as one with your Divine Mind.
* Perceive beyond the limitations of a material reality.
* Open up to a whole new world of imagination… and ultimate liberation from the chains that bind.
The purpose of this Empowerment is to help elevate your awareness to vibrate above the five human senses. This will be like receive another level of inner brain awakening to develop yourself as a channel for the Higher Mind to express more fully, and more purely.
It is then that mastermind energy can be received through the higher senses. From this elevated alignment, you are able to apply timeless wisdom to your current reality, which alchemizes a most positive shift in your life’s reflections.
Expanding your Sensory Capability to be one with your Divine Mind
Through our ongoing phases of spiritual ascension, we are transitioning away from sole dependency upon the cognizing intellect that perceives through the five tactile senses.
You are evolving into expanded energetic capacity that perceives and channels from the embodied wisdom of your Divine Presence.
Your Divine Presence can be regarded as the non-physical component of yourself that acts as a conduit to higher versions of yourself. It is the intermediary that distills information from the spiritual realms in a way that the personality can understand. It reveals through your personality when you are in attunement with it.
It also functions like a translator, relaying higher dimensional information to you in a way that it can be deciphered and applied. What you receive and how you receive it is directly linked to your phase of evolutionary development. The more that you perceive from the higher senses, greater truths are revealed.
To do this, the awareness vibrates above the matter-tuned senses. Your perceptions are turned inwards to reveal the truer reality hidden behind the outer appearance.
JOIN US in this next empowerment for laying in the foundation for great expansion of your sensory skillsets.
Shift over to a new Playing Field
To embody our Divine Presence, we must move off of the playing field that is sustained by the sensory driven perceptual distortion of ‘what you see is what you get’.
As long as we are being guided by what our human senses are reading to the brain, we will remain blocked to the subtle messaging coming in from our vaster self.
Live from Multidimensional Perception
In the transition that we are making, we are learning how to live from multidimensional perception. This far-reaching and more intelligent mindset draws to us expansive opportunities and experiences of a more limitless nature.
This can only happen when our brain is unified with our truer brain of brilliance, the Higher Mind aspect of our self. It is then that mastermind energy can be channeled through the faculty of the human brain to express higher patterns of thought and feelings.
Develop as a Channel for Divine Mind
We can regard this phase of expanding sensory perception as an inner brain awakening that develops us as a channel for the Higher Mind to express more fully, and more purely.
Become a Knower
When you can authentically make contact with and cohere to the channel of the vaster self, expanded truths are revealed. You become a ‘knower’.
This is when you can live your life governed by providence, the direct revelation of Holy Spirit expressing through the form.
Move Closer to your Ultimate Freedom
We are not leaving or disregarding the human senses, but instead, expanding our sensory perception to function from more dimensions of awareness.
This level of expanded perception brings us closer to our ultimate freedom from the human conditioning.
From this greater alignment, we tap into the energy behind physical reality, the immanent force guiding everything in the universe into appropriate action.
SESSIONS OF EMPOWERMENT is a monthly program of holistic development that delivers energetic transmission, teachings and integration. The success of this highly transforming program is attributed to the divine currents of grace that bless this empowered work, in response to the resonant group harmonic and unified intention.