We send blessings to All. This includes those writing in to say how disappointed and angry they are that the Golden Age of Gaia blog disagrees with part of their world view.
We aren’t here to be agreeable and complacent. Nor are we in the business of attacking anyone for having a different point of view.
We do strive on this blog to expose truth as we see it. It may surprise those feeling put out by our postings to know that there are many in the world of channels who also support the President.
This is not an either/or situation. It’s not only possible to be spiritually awake and politically aware all at once; it’s kind of important that we are so. How else is Love going to prevail? This is work. There’s no sitting back to say it’s someone else’s business any more.
We have permission to re-post Magenta Pixie’s FaceBook posting, and we felt this exchange was interesting.
Petra Pixie McGuire shared a post ~
“I have to share this status from Jordan Sather as I hold the same vision. When this occurs (as it is beginning to now) the greatest magick will be seen on this planet, the likes of which has not been seen since Atlantis. In fact, this unification between the ‘Truthers’ and the ‘Lightworkers’ shall take us to a vibration ‘beyond Atlantis!’
“This unification taking us into the collective paradigm that is ‘United You Stand’ will be the final step in bringing down the ‘Deep State’ and the ‘Elite powers that were’ and open the final gateways into the fifth dimension (Fourth Density). This is in our trajectory. This is our ‘Ascension Timeline’ and that which is known most well now as #TheGreatAwakening” 💙💙💙
And the post she shared ~
Jordan Sather
“I envision the day where the battle hardened, patriotic military soldiers exposing the Deep State and the high vibration, meditating hippies searching for higher consciousness come together embracing arms, realizing that THE GREAT AWAKENING is all of it.”