John Smallman
Jesus through John Smallman made a beautiful statement on a subject that most of the masters and celestials never tire of discussing – Love. (1)
Why is that? Why do they never tire of speaking about it? Let’s take a look.
Jesus says:
“Life, consciousness, awareness – Love – is eternal. It cannot age, decay, die, or be destroyed, and nor can you because you are One with It.”
Since love is everything, it exists at all levels. But the love that he’s talking about in this passage exists on a very high level of existence – the Absolute.
At that “level,” none of this we see around us “exists.” He confirms that in his next statement:
“Anything that is not of Love, is illusory, unreal, and cannot last, and when it is gone only Love, and the joy that it demonstrates constantly, remain.”
“Love is the only Reality,” he tells us. Absolutely. What Jesus calls “Love” here others call the Non-Dual, the One, the Void, the Transcendental.
He adds:
“Only through Love can you evolve spiritually.”
But we’re more concerned with love at two lesser levels of density – our own and the next higher rung of existence – the Fifth Dimension. It’s here where love’s impact on us is to cause our evolution, expansion, unfoldment.
Only through the impact of transformative, higher-dimensional love do we unfold, Jesus is saying, just as the flower only unfolds to the warmth of the Sun’s rays. Love brings about that unfoldment, exactly as it’s doing now with us through the Mother’s Tsunami of Love.
“Your human form has also evolved and continues to evolve because it is spirit’s intent to raise it way above the basic needs of survival so that it too may experience the joy that is Love.”
Way above our basic needs. The experience of higher-dimensional love is way, way above anything we’ve ever felt until then. It washes away all sense of “need.” All we want to do is experience more of it and share it with others.
On any higher dimension, survival would not be an issue. Only in the Third/Fourth is it – and there only because we believe it needs to be seen that way. (2)
“You are Love, but living estranged from It, as you have been doing for eons, led you to believe that It was an unreal state that could be experienced only briefly and weakly when it was offered to you by another – your parents, family, or partners – and then dissolved leaving you back in the ‘normal’ state of uncertainty and fear that arose because of your constant and ongoing survival needs.”
Because we lived estranged from this higher-dimensional form of love for eons, we came to regard the Real as being unreal. Or we think that we only get to feel it for short moments when someone we love loves us. Then that bit of weak love (compared to real love) passes and all our worries, hopes, and fears return.
Thinking we get our love from others, we disregard the most powerful source of love – our own hearts. We get a hit of love from someone else, which quickly dissipates and leaves us back in angst again whereas the flow of love from our hearts has the potential to be endless and eternal.
“Love, when you open to It, demonstrates quite clearly that survival is not an issue. It fills your heart with the certainty, with the knowing, that you are unconditionally accepted and infinitely loved in every moment of your eternal existence, and that absolutely nothing can alter or change that Truth.”
The opening Jesus points to here is beyond my experience and so I cannot write about it. I think he’s describing the moment when our hearts fully and permanently open (“when you open to It”), which is the endpoint of the Ascension process. By now most readers of the blog will know what that is: Sahaja Samadhi.
Nevertheless, it’d take only one “brief” experience of this Ocean of Love, this inner tsunami of Love to make Jesus’ words come alive. “Oh,” I said, when my heart opened; “THIS is what they’re talking about!”
Then we’d know why they all speak about it incessantly. “Yes, this is the answer. This answers our every need and desire.”
Once we’ve tumbled into the Ocean of Love, we’ll ask ourselves: However could we have known? This is not something that can be grasped by the mind. This has to be experienced and realized.
The ascended masters keep talking about love, therefore, because it’s the basis of everything that is, is vital to our evolution, offers us everything we need, and is eternally and endlessly available to us, from our own hearts. It’s hard for us even to conceive of such a thing, which is probably why we don’t devote the time and energy to connect with it. But it flows there regardless, awaiting its discovery and our Ascension with it.
(1) Jesus through John Smallman, “Be the Love that You Truly Are,” June 10, 2018, at httpss://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com/2018/06/10/be-the-love-that-you-truly-are/
(2) “Death” only occurs on the Third Dimension, but we survive death so survival is still not a real or actual issue.