Thank you to readers who contributed to our living. We made it through this month, but unfortunately we’ll need to return next month, if the Reval doesn’t arrive and we’re to keep going.
If I were a reader, I’d be asking myself, “Wait a minute. You’re in co-creative partnership with Archangel Michael. How come he’s not supporting you?”
He is, but it’ll take a minute to explain.
We asked the Divine Mother in 2015 why she seemed not to be supporting us:
Steve: The condition of want that we’re having to endure just doesn’t seem necessary, Mother.
Divine Mother: You have agreed that you will be on, can we say, the receiving end.
Steve: So our being in want is a means to get people to open their hearts?
DM: To express gratitude, generosity, and unity and to express what is valuable to them.
Steve: So that is what the spiritual meaning of this is, that we serve the purpose of igniting people’s generosity or inspiring it.
DM: That is correct. You are the catalysts.
Steve: That’s what I needed to know. (1)
When Kathleen offered to get a job in 2014, Michael asked her not to, but to continue being on the receiving end.
We didn’t know until a year later, when the Mother explained, why he’d ask her – and us – to play that particular role.
Archangel Michael: Again, [we want you to use] some paradigms in which you can begin to receive.
Kathleen: Okay. So, at this time, would you like me to seek a job?
AAM: We would ask of you, if you are prepared to do this, to continue to receive [from readers], and to work on the true work, which is the creation and the receiving.
K: Yes. I would prefer to do that.
AAM: And we would prefer it as well. (2)
He couldn’t have been more direct. He repeated “receiving” three times. It’s one of those moments where you change your mind from “getting a job” and leaving to “receiving” and carrying on.
So that’s the story. We’re to serve on the receiving end of things, to act as catalysts in awakening generosity. Given that the economy will soon be a donor economy, it makes sense to do push-ups in that area. And we play our role in stimulating and inspiring that exercise.
Thank you for donating to us. Thank you for being willing to play in the nascent donor economy. Thank you for being willing to be the Mother’s financial stewards. And for responding to Michael’s whispers.
(1) Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 7, 2015.
(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow and Kathleen Mary Willis through Linda Dillon, May 30, 2014.
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The Hope Chest is a grassroots-funded program based on donations from readers of the Golden Age of Gaia and listeners to InLight Radio.
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There have been very few donations to the general lightworker fund in the last two years and so we have closed it for now. The Hope Chest as a general lightworker fund will re-open after the Reval and serve the lightworker population internationally. For now the Hope Chest supports the team.
Your donations to “Site and Team Donations” pay site costs and provide a living wage for the small team of editors and support staff working for the Golden Age of Gaia, InLight Radio, and the Hope Chest.