Bob has written a booklet on his explorations of the neutrality of external circumstances and our own habit of looking to the outside to find the source of our behavior.
He turned the mirror to himself, as Kathleen Mary Willis has recommended we do, and went from “I” to “I Am.”
The beginning of forgiveness
As higher-frequency energies penetrate our universe, feelings rooted in perceptions of self, of others, of the world noticeably surface, with no lag time.
We perceive, judge and feel external circumstances almost instantaneously.
Much chaos is being catalogued “within” by a nervous system responding or reacting to stimuli “without” or external stimuli.
That chaos often overstimulates the nervous system of the unaware.
The standard operating procedure used to discover the source of feelings that surface is to look outside the self, externally, for the cause, not within.
Analysis of the external world uses customary definitions based on cultural biases that usually criticize, judge and blame.
Rarely do we investigate our inner world to examine the essence behind or underneath feelings, to use those feeling as an internal GPS system, while navigating through the world’s external stimuli.
Typical psychological examination of darker feelings can be reproachful. Analysis often narrates that something’s wrong with us or our viewpoint.
Experiential occurrences register up and down the scale of pleasantness and, to put it mildly in some cases, unpleasantness.
If those experiences are of Love, they expand or inflate feelings of joy or goodness.
If not, they contract and are chronicled on the other end of the spectrum.
Feeling balanced and centered within a peaceful universe ensues when all’s fine and good.
And then, there’s days when those feelings cannot even be closely approximated.
When balanced and centered, I’m near or in the heart-space, responding to circumstance and manifesting pleasant, new creations.
When I’m not, I’m in the neighborhood of the mind.
A place, I’ve learned, I shouldn’t go alone, unassisted or unprepared, without the tools to ground, balance and center.
It’s there where I’m more inclined to be reactive to circumstances and manifest more unpleasant ones. There’s a huge difference between reacting and responding to circumstance.
Investigation into external circumstance will show that all circumstance is neutral.
(For more of Bob’s book, download it here:
Honoring the I Am that I Am