A couple of days ago, for the second time in my life, I came face to face with the notion that Spirit knows me, intimately.
I have no doubt that Spirit knows each and every one of us. Yet it still came as a pleasant surprise when it happened as blatant as it did.
A client came to see me on a referral from a dear friend, Lynda. It was her birthday and she had a very strong urge to get a reading done. She had never had one before.
When we met for the first time, we embraced as if we were old friends. There was an instant connection. This, I’m sure, many of you would have experienced at some time in your life. No real surprise there.
The surprise came when we started talking in our introductory remarks to each other. Apparently, in June of last year she was awakened from a very vivid dream where an African man was introducing her to an Indian man. She awoke just when the Indian man took her hand and led her to a building.
When she saw my picture on this blog she remembered the dream. The Indian man was me.
Well, needless to say, I was flattered. I felt honoured to be known by Spirit. Of course, on one level I knew already that we’re all known to Spirit. But to actually experience it as dramatically as this was quite another thing.
Prior to this, the first case happened two, maybe three years ago. A client came to see me. She was a short, rather stout African woman in her fifties, who walked with an assurance that came from working as a security guard for many years.
“I want to know what this old Indian man wants with me,” she said, looking me straight in the eye.
My thought was that this was probably some kind of love affair. Boy, was I wrong. As she spoke she became very fidgety and uncomfortable. Her voice started breaking and it seemed she was fighting something.
Thankfully, I was already a reader of the Golden Age of Gaia and other awakening websites, so I knew channeling when I saw it. I was quite intrigued though. This was the first I was witnessing it. This was a live manifestation of Spirit.
I asked her to allow him to come through – the old Indian man whom she referred to. When he did, her transformation was dramatic. Her voice changed to that of an old man, speaking in broken English dialect. Her demeanor changed; her very personality became reminiscent of that of an old man.
I was so fascinated that I forgot to challenge him to ascertain if he was of the Light. But I had an opportunity a couple of weeks later when he came though her daughter. He was of the Light.
After telling me quite a number of very, very personal details about myself, he said he had directed her to me. Apparently she needed guidance and I was chosen by Spirit to guide her.
That experience had me on a high for a few days. I was at once elated and humbled that Spirit knew me.
Now, this experience repeated itself yesterday. Albeit less dramatically. Still, the wonder to really know that Spirit knows you didn’t abate with time. I share this now with you, my dear friends, that you may know also in your hearts that Spirit knows you. Intimately.