Archangel Michael offered his sometimes playful, always helpful comments on how the celestials work with us, what heart communication is, and other aspects of the new paradigm of sacred partnership.
From 2015, I came across them in the course of research. It’s clear he wanted them posted so I offer them here.
Archangel Michael: Let us play today.
There are many things that we bring forth. Sometimes it is slightly hidden. Sometimes is a bit of a puzzle. Sometimes it is not immediately clear and other times it is crystal clear and it is presented on a silver platter arranged amongst the roses.
And we will present these types of things, this variety of things, of situations, opportunities, growth patterns, etc. to humanity time and time and time again.
Too often, far too often, the offering is not accepted or picked up. So, when I tease you and I say the horse has already left the stable [I asked him to bless my then partnership and he said the horse had already left the stable], I am saying to both of you that it is a gift not only to you but to us when the offering, when the opportunity, when the growth potential is seen, accepted, acted upon, nurtured and taken up. And you have done this.
Now does this mean, my beloved friends, that there will never be any issues or conflict or disagreements? Of course there will be. That is part of the growth pattern. But is there also extraordinary potential for joy, for soaring, for expansion, for a deepening of the knowledge and the wisdom of who you are, in service to the Mother/Father One? Yes, the opportunity is extraordinary.
We have spoken to you previously about the opportunity to anchor into form and upon Nova Earth this patterning of what it means in human form, whether you are angelic, archangelic, starseed – it matters not – into human reality the pattern of relationship of divine masculine/divine feminine.
Now we could make this incredibly complex but you know this is not a lesson in quantum physics. This is a conversation, a delightful conversation about love, about sacred union, about the fulfilment of promise and about the anchoring of human potential of Nova Being as Nova Gaians. And what does this really mean?
We have spoken a great deal on this topic. It means, sweet angels, that you come from the heart, that you refer and you reflect your brilliant minds – yes, your emotional and your mental knowingness and history – but that you come from the place of heart consciousness that is expanded to such a degree that what human beings have termed conflict, disagreement, even what we call growth opportunities, are but the chance, the open door to expand towards and with and into one another.
Never does this patterning in the divine masculine and feminine mean surrender of the self. If anything, it is the enormous, beautiful expansion of the self. Are there times of surrender to one another? Of course there are. That is the nature of unity. Not just relationship; I am speaking of unity.
And are there times of standing stalwart, of knowing the truth of what you hold near and dear as truth to your beingness? Yes, there are. Are there times when there are different perceptions or experiences of this? Yes, of course there are. But that is the nature of conjoining and, might I ask, the willingness to complement one another, not simply to admire, to adore, to love but the willingness to complement.
Steve: What does that mean, Lord, “complement”?
AAM: Think of it in this way. I am the Archangel of Peace, the Warrior of Love and I have my mission and purpose and promises that I have made to the Mother, let us say before I get to return to my art and music; and I am sure before that she will have another task for me! But nevertheless…
Steve: (laughing)… Taking a few billion years!
AAM: Yes, just a few!
But what do I do? In everything I endeavor, whether it is in your terminology, thought or action, heart consciousness, love, I am but a complement to the Mother. That is the truth and purpose of every breath, every minuscule movement because that is the core of what you would think of or term, my desires.
When one is truly in sacred union and, concomitant to that, patterning in the divine feminine and masculine, what are you doing except complementing the Mother/Father One?
You are not merely emulating. You are inhabiting such a way of being that your totality, the wholeness, not just the composite parts, but the wholeness of your being is a complement to one another and, in turn, a complement to Mother/Father One.
So in this way, such outmoded patterns as competition, as conflict, as disagreement in the old realm are not even possible because the totality of your being [is] as an individual to complement the Mother/Father but also to complement one another and thereby complement the Mother/Father.
So when I work with my beloved sister, Gabrielle, we harmonize our energies. We complement one another although she always wants to take the lead! (Laughs) And in so doing we complement not only the Mother/Father but the One, the All, the Everything.
So that is what I mean. When you are taking action, let us be practical, does this grow, stretch, solidify, and harmonize the union? Harmonize the other in this union? Or does it detract? That is what I mean. (AAM, Sept. 30, 2015.)