TJ Ryan is Out There! – in upper Wisconsin
I notice a long delay in getting the interview to play, which I’ve told TJ about.
You may need to download the program and listen to it on your laptop/desktop.
Out There! host TJ Ryan and I discussed personal history, the advent of the blog, sacred partnership with Archangel Michael, Michael’s miracles, spiritual experiences, etc. on his show this week.
This was an important interview for me because I didn’t think I was suited for the interviewee, rather than the interviewer, role and I was pleasantly surprised by the results.
The upload is too big for the site, so perhaps go here for the recording:
Having no short-term memory to speak of, I lost my train of thought (only) three times, but it wasn’t a big deal and won’t stop me from moving forward in this direction in the future.
I already knew from our earlier discussion that TJ has had a heart opening. The only piece I wished we’d have covered more was his experience and its impact on him. However I think you can hear from his voice how deeply-anchored he is. (1) And we’ve already agreed to continue the conversation in September. I’ll ask him then.
Thank you, TJ, for a most enjoyable hour and a half!
(1) He astutely noted that one could tell a lot about a person’s depth or clarity in general by the depth of their laugh. If one clears muscular tension by completing vasanas, one’s laugh is deeper and softer than otherwise.