If we lightworkers are self-tasked with building Nova Earth, what will we do after the Reval?
I plan to take a month off and go on a long and hopefully restful trip.
Michael says to let writing be the last thing that falls off the table so I’ll continue to write during that time.
Then it’s hire one strategic person after another. After the personal assistant, the President of the Michaelangelo Fund. Then the Publisher of the Golden Age of Gaia. Then the President of the Lightworkers Fund (dedicated to providing for lightworkers in need).
Next the President of Hope Chest International (dedicated to providing universal basic incomes). And finally the President of Ancillary Services (personnel, accounting, training, legal services, IT, etc.), not in that order. Ancillary Services would have equal hiring priority with the Michaelangelo Fund.
Almost all employees will be women. I’d like women to have a chance to work with large sums of money. Also to work in every position in the company – cross-training, flattening hierarchy, etc. To make all the decisions except those reserved for me, like the vision.
What is that vision? It’s a world that works for everyone. (1) I know it can be done because I’ve visited a state of higher-dimensional consciousness of love and bliss, through most of 2015.
In that state the world would naturally work for everyone so I know a working world can be achieved. I’m not in that state now. But I do remember it and I do know where we’re headed.
It’s a paradox. Ordinarily the world would never work for everyone, ever. BUT in the Fifth Dimension it does.
To create a world that works is the reason for creating the Michaelangelo group of companies – to show that the world can work, to demonstrate what the principles are of a world that works.
Until we get there, with Ascension, we’re doing everything we can to welcome the space and prepare for it. We’re living as if the world could work for everyone. That calls it into creation and leaves an inheritance in the collective consciousness.
That’s the vision and the plan.
Expressing the principles of a world that works is not hard: They are love, bliss, peace, and joy. But so few of us have experienced these as higher-dimensional states that it becomes difficult to communicate about them. I could if I left the group’s focus or knowledge base, but that would have little relevance to or impact on most people.
Continuing with the organizational start-up, I’m going to retain the services of two of my mentors from the Immigration and Refugee Board, to teach courses in credibility analysis and decision-making. Everybody who wants can receive the training.
Then I’ll probably follow a cycle with each organization in turn – planning, preparing, creating, hiring, training, integrating, familiarizing, building momentum. Great benefits plan and lots of job creation in the process.
Only one organization will be started simultaneously or I’d go nuts. Or not. Maybe I’ll get bigger. I seem to have an elasticity that increases every day.
I’m having to get bigger in every way. And it surprises me that there always turns out to be space for me to get bigger into, so to speak. And there always seem to be more “bigger” to get.
Don’t overlook the mounting evidence that the Third Dimension is actually gone, despite what we may believe. Our beliefs determine what we see.
It may turn out that the reason things are as they appear to us is that we believe they are that way. And can be no other way. And so the universe obliges.
You know that I’ve confronted several feelings like worry, shame, and fear which, when turned and faced into, disappeared. That left me sobered. Was the dimension I lived in purely a figment of my imagination? More and more it seems that way.
But it’s the kind of thing you want to sneak up on gradually. For this world to suddenly disappear before our very eyes might leave many badly disoriented.
This gradually-dawning awareness to the fragility of what I assumed to be stable and real (worry, shame, and fear) suggests to me that we may be able to ease ourselves into the Fifth Dimension. Like easing into a warm bath. It’s almost sneaking up on us.
(1) The words are those of Werner Erhard.