The Divine Mother told us in 2014:
“You are angels in form, and you have been birthed even prior to that as the essence of One. So you return to that while keeping your magnificent form.”(1)
We might ask: If we’re angels, then why aren’t we enlightened?
Surely we should be forging ahead. If we’re wayshowers, then why aren’t we showing the way to Ascension?
My own case illustrates why, so let me cite the reasons Archangel Michael has given me. I think the same applies to many, if not most, lightworkers.
First of all, if we’re all angels, why didn’t we come to Earth with all our powers intact? Michael tells us why.
“If you came with full capacity – and meaning, yes, the vision, the hearing, the knowing, the full memory, the access, all of the above – and you were to communicate to the humans, to the collective, there would be a sense of separation.
“That is why you, as so many, have been kept under cover. … When you turn to your brothers and sisters, it is as one [with them].” (2)
According to him, if we ascended, we also wouldn’t stay.
Archangel Michael: If you were to complete your full ascension, many of you would not bother to stay and finish the creation of Nova Earth.
Steve: So you really have to meter it out to us, so to speak, so as not to send us flying off into some other pursuit?
AAM: That is correct. (3)
Many of us have been teachers and gurus in other lifetimes, but in this lifetime we’re building Nova Earth. He adds:
“You did not come to live as a guru in a western or eastern manner.
“If you were completely involved in your full awakening, you in very great likelihood would not be forming a platform with me. You would be off somewhere in an ashram meditating.” (4)
Several decades of my life were spent reading about spiritual aspirants and gurus in ashrams meditating so what he says is quite likely true. But this lifetime is not about that.
“If you fully enter into the bliss, into the One, you will not be interested in returning and serving. It will be a different experience, and it is not the experience that you have selected and chosen for yourself at this time.” (5)
In my case, if I were to speed ahead, I might not be able to relate any longer as a writer to where people are. He explained:
“Because you are the communicator, it is important not only to share the truth of your being, of our being, but also to be able to clearly relate to people where they are.” (6)
“It is important that you speak and communicate in language that people understand, embrace, and can get behind.” (7)
Instead of forging ahead, he wants us all to remain grounded and enjoy the human experience. The monk in me is not attracted to wine, sex, and song, I joked with him:
Steve: OK. Boy. Eat, drink and be merry!
Archangel Michael: It is difficult, no?
Steve: Yes, it is difficult. (8)
“Ground yourself,” he recommended. “Be human and love the experience of being in form.” (9)
In case we’re feeling that we’ll be left out, he assures us: “Yes, dear friend, the vision will come. It will absolutely come.” (10)
So our assignment is to go up gradually with everyone else and serve the human community as we do so. This is what we agreed to eons ago and it won’t eliminate us from fully enjoying the end result.
(1) “The Divine Mother: My Tsunami of Love Will Shift You Permanently,” channeled by Linda Dillon, January 30, 2014, at
“You are angels in form dancing upon a planet which is an archangel.” (“Video and Transcript ~ Archangel Gabrielle: Cooperation Comes Before Love,” April 11, 2017, at
(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 18, 2011.
(3) Ibid., March 10, 2017.
(4) Ibid., May 6, 2013.
(5) Ibid., Feb. 14, 2012.
(6) Ibid., April 19, 2017.
(7) Ibid., Feb. 7, 2013.
(8) Ibid., AAM, May 6, 2013.
(9) Ibid., May 6, 2013.
(10) Ibid., Feb. 18, 2011.