I feel myself learning things and the learning simply arises from within.
It’s not a learning process I’m familiar with.
I’d like to let you see how an idea bubbles up and where contemplation of that inspired thought then leads to.
Here’s a “lesson” that is bubbling up at the moment. I hear: Look first at what I can change about myself and my situation before asking others to change. (These kinds of inspirations often come phrased as “I” thoughts.)
I begin to play with the idea. What can I do to handle this situation before asking someone else to handle it? Maybe there’s nothing I can do. That may happen frequently but still I can look.
I assess the new thoughts that arise. Proceeding in this way strengthens personal responsibility and individual initiative, humility and compassion. It sets an example. It riles the fewest number of people and shows we’re willing to share the pain as well as the gain.
I’m going to be the CEO of a number of companies. If I approach my task expecting everyone around me to change before I change, I’m going to be carrying water uphill in a leaky bucket.
What’s happening as I contemplate this inspired idea is I’m beginning to consciously create the context I’ll later occupy: CEO/executive leader.
I’ve reached the end of the line with the expectation that other people change before I will. I have to let that one go as no longer functioning, as being dysfunctional in an ascending society and a new-paradigm group of companies.
Letting go is one thing. But what action looks like after letting go is another.
What does a society look like where I see what about me and my situation I can change before asking other people to? Can I handle the matter in question by simply changing? A change of office, perhaps? A change of procedure? A change of habit?
Contemplating it leads off in all kinds of different directions: I’ve spent three score years and ten living off the blessings of this society. Can I not see going first in adapting as giving back?
Have I not lived in one of the most peaceful, economically-blessed areas of the world? Have I anything to complain about? Probably nothing.
Nonetheless, letting others go first in my consideration runs counter to my aggressive-male temperament. I see entitlement arise. I hear a lot of growling in the background. I experience it all without reacting.
I return to my contemplation. It isn’t the size of the matter in question that’s important, I hear. It’s the attitude.
How might this attitude of me first in adapting show up in remuneration? In benefits plans? In office arrangements?
As I simply remain open, I have thoughts like “the best leaders share their troops’ conditions,” “equality as far as circumstances allow,” etc.
The idea has just arisen in me. I don’t understand it very well. I don’t know what it involves, where it leads, and what it contributes. I don’t know how to apply it.
What I’ve tried to do here is just allow you to see the way in which “learning” is happening these days to at least one ascending being.
Often I can’t keep track of the ideas, so many appear in my head over the course of a day, lessons being shown to me, downloads, personal teachings.
This is the inner work behind the outer work. This is me expanding to become an executive and a leader, future-pacing – and more to the point future-unfolding and future-integrating. This process would happen whether I was conscious of it or not. In my case, I’m simply conscious of it.
Michael asked me in my last reading (June 6, 2018) to begin to dream.
“Begin your dreaming about Nova Earth; about the practicality of what life looks like, feels like and tastes like. It is often very difficult to envision an entire planet in reconstitution and rebirth.
“So where we ask you to spend some time thinking, envisioning, imagining and luxuriating is in the construction and the texture of what your [local] world … looks like.” (1)
I’m starting to dream now of offices, equipment, administrators, trainers, decision-makers, researchers, personnel officers….
In my mind the Michaelangelo Fund is already open for business. And I’m growing into the role that’s expected of me.
In the past I haven’t much exercised my imagination and now I’m doing it with full intent and purpose.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 6, 2018.
“So where we ask you to spend some time thinking, envisioning, imagining and luxuriating is in the construction and the texture of what your world, your Vancouver world, your British Columbia world, your Canada world, your West Coast world… What it looks like.”