Photo by Owen Hoffmann/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images
My disclaimer: I have not been one to search the web or back channels to dig around in all the conspiracy theories or try to put together a cohesive picture of all the events happening now around the planet.
However, my admiration for Anthony Bourdain as a genuine, live-life-out-front, honest and caring person has really peaked my interest in what I’m hearing about his death.
After news of Bourdain’s suicide broke the social media world went into frenzied overdrive. The large majority of individuals were paying tribute to him as a person and an influencer. There are tributes everywhere.
I, personally, don’t have all the answers as to why I believe he was killed, but there are lots of conspiracy theories out there.
Immediately every major news outlet was repeating the same story with almost the exact same words and the focus immediately went to the “causes” of suicide and suicide prevention. It’s a subtle way of focusing attention on a part of the issue rather on the fact of how this death really occurred and why.
I believe Bourdain constituted a threat to the Dark because of his outspoken criticisms of certain institutions, child trafficking, support for gender equality, and the Me Too movement. He was highly influential as a force of connection and good around the world and the Dark did not want him being outspoken about what he knew.
It’s my opinion that we are in the time of chaos where the Dark is putting up a last ditch stand against the Light. Their methodology includes eliminating those who threaten them in any way.
Those who have knowledge of the Dark’s manipulations of our culture are speaking out. There are many people out there who have made it their mission to bring out the facts and truth about what is happening on this planet now. Some of you may already follow them on Twitter or Instagram or YouTube.
Discernment is critical. There is so much mis and dis-information swirling around.
I think that this video from Jordan Sather is pretty right on. There’s lots of information here.
I have a dear friend who is really into this and I asked her for some places you can go if you are interested in researching for yourself. Just type these names into YouTube and tons of videos are available.
Michael Trimm
James Munder
Edge Of Wonder
Richie Allen
Ben Swann
Also the International Tribunal For Natural Justice is most illuminating.
Some of these sources may show you things that are unsettling because they bare the underbelly of people and institution we always thought were “good”. So if you dive into these waters just be prepared to cloak yourself in strong discernment and feel the truth or untruth in what you feel.