In my reading on June 6, 2018, Archangel Michael asked us all to begin dreaming big, dreaming Nova Earth, now.
Archangel Michael: Begin your dreaming about Nova Earth, about the practicality of what life looks like, feels like and tastes like. It is often very difficult to envision an entire planet in reconstitution and rebirth.
It is difficult to envision at times, a million or a billion individuals and groups falling in love with their own sacred self, of awakening to their own power of creation and creativity. It is hard to imagine billions of people declaring peace.
So where we ask you to spend some time thinking, envisioning, imagining and luxuriating is in the construction and the texture of what your world, your Vancouver world, your British Columbia world, your Canada world, your West Coast world, your Icelandic world… What it looks like.
And it isn’t knowing how governments, for example, will be shifted or reconstructed. It is simply the knowing that these shifts and reconstructions, reconfigurations are taking place.
It is about walking on the streets and seeing the lines of worry and fear and being beaten down erased from the faces of the people on the sidewalk.
It is about being in a store or a grocery store and knowing that it is being filled with healthy nutritious food and that people have enough money – yes, that currency thing – in their pockets that they can buy that food and that they can thrive.
That the children are kept safe and that they are exposed to a broad spectrum of learning, of expansion. This new generation is wide awake and the education systems are doing their best to try to shut them down. So envision education that is different and children that are laughing and smiling and free to be children.
Spend time physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally building your world because this – what you will do in your undertakings and our undertakings – needs to be reflective of that vision, of that beauty.
Steve: Well it’s not until somebody speaks that vision that it begins its journey to become real, right? It isn’t until I say, for instance, that I’m going to give a universal basic income of $100,000 to each Canadian that both and other things inspired by that start is coming into view.
AAM: But it is not merely the vision of the money going to Canadians. It is the idea of liberation, of freedom, of the latitude of each person to have flexibility in their choices. And inside of that is the paradigm of honouring free choices.
So it is not that you are standing there and saying, “I am giving you a universal income so you will pay this much for rent and pay attention to your children’s education and you are going to buy the right food.”
No. Inside of that, the vision is truly the honouring, not only of free will and free choices, but the innate intelligence… Will some people spend foolishly? Well, yes, but only in your opinion. They may think a bright red bicycle is the best decision they’ve ever made.
So it is that permission and the vision that people can make kind and loving and intelligent choices. So it is truly anchoring the vision.
And if it isn’t talked about, if it isn’t developed, if it isn’t nurtured, in a personal way of what it means to you, starting the conversation, then when people say, “We are going to build a New Earth,” it has no substance; it has no legs.
We are encouraging you to put out the ideas.
Steve: That’s good. That’s what I need to know. (1)
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.