Meditation: Feel the Expanded Edges of Your Being
Saturday Conference Call, May 19, 2018
“Let yourself expand so that you are sending these energies of peace and of quiet, so that we quiet the winds of war, so that we quiet the volcanic eruptions, so that we quiet the storms.”
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Thanks to Maré for the transcript.
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So, let’s begin this beautiful, perfect day whether it’s teeming rain outside and feeding the grass and the worms or whether the sun is shining brightly and nurturing the opening of the leaves and flowers. Let’s just take a moment and drop our cords out of the tip of your tailbone into Gaia. Feel it go through the carpet, the rug, the floor, the wood, the foundation, the soft earth, the hard earth, the rock, the gaseous layers.
Wherever you are, drop your cord until you see this beautiful angelic ancient being, Gaia, and hand her your cord and ask her, request her, to help anchor you as we travel far and wide throughout the multiverse; to also keep you anchored and present, not only on Gaia but in your physical body.
Now, come up to your heart and together let’s take a deep breath of blue. And it’s the blue of the Mother, it’s the blue of Universal Mother Mary, it’s the blue of the Sedona sky, it’s the Delft Blue, it’s the French Blue, it’s the twilight blue, it’s the midnight blue, it’s the aquamarine, it’s the turquoise, it’s the sapphire, it’s the tanzanite.
Breathe in blue and feel the expanded edges of your being. Feel yourself expanding, expanding…far past your shoulders, far past your chair, far past your room, your house, your building. Feel yourself fill your neighborhood…like a giant blue balloon, like a huge glistening bubble. And even if you are magenta or pink or amethyst or amber, feel the glint of that blue; feel how each of us carries the love and the essence of the Divine Mother, that we carry Her capacity to nurture, to give hope, to give succor, encouragement and sweetness to the entire planet.
We know that when we go to the 13th Octave we become a partner to Gaia, a huge giant orb sparkling with blue and emerald and Gabrielle’s gold. Let yourself expand so that you are sending these wonderful nurturing energies, these energies of peace and of quiet, so that we quiet the winds of war, so that we quiet the volcanic eruptions, so that we quiet the storms. Take a minute and feel the silence…and inside that silence, feel the Mother’s Love. And feel your desire to share that Love…and feel your desire to receive that Love.
Open up your heart. So often, defensively because of history and hurts, we close our hearts or we keep it open – a little pin hole. See as if your heart is French windows or French doors and together let’s throw our doors wide open so that we aren’t just the transmitters but that we are the receivers of the Love. Breathe it in…breathe in, not only the Mother’s Love and the love of the entire Company of Heaven and the Council of Love, breathe in the love we give to each other, that we share in this circle, on this conference call. Bring it in and notice that as you receive it expands you even more.
So, enjoy it and go drifting and beaming wherever you want to go.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2018 Council of Love, Inc.
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