If I had been asked two months ago what my relationship with Joy was, my answer would have required some contemplation. Do I feel Joy very often? With all the issues of a material nature presenting in our lives every day…where do we find the Joy?
This Human gig isn’t easy, and it seems that the majority of us have been thrust into survival mode for the moment. I reckon that that might be part of the Earth Experience for us so we finally figure out that we’re all in this together.
Every living thing on the planet, all the Kingdoms and Gaia herself…all of us together are woven into an intricate tapestry. No one thread is completely free of the influence of every other thread, to varying degrees.
We really are all in this together. As we embrace the Oneness, it becomes possible to access different aspects of collective experience. Away from home and feeling lonely? Try tapping into the energy grid of folks relaxing at home with loved ones.
As I write, I’m wondering if it’ll work to tap into the imaginary person on Earth at peace with themselves and with no financial worries. Are there any? Having loads of money doesn’t necessarily translate into being at peace with oneself or with the world that one inhabits.
Gratitude and Joy go hand in hand. That phrase may have felt like words to me whenever I heard it, and who knows why, but now it feels like a profound realization. It’s helped me to grok at last that I’m actually in gratitude all day long. I’m a Joyful person!
It’s Spring where I live, and the colors and fragrances in abundance alone are reason enough to be grateful. What about that amazing periwinkle sky behind the glowing green leaves with golden sunlight filtering through next to my house? Or the Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks that come to our feeder for as long as a month during their migration? Nature is chock full of reasons to be in Gratitude, and how can Joy not follow along in its glorious wake?
I now recognize myself as a joyous creature, indeed! Even though I’m faced with issues of a material nature on a regular basis, that doesn’t have to stem the flow of appreciation I have for the many freedoms I enjoy and for the exquisite beauty of this world and of Life itself.
Our aim on this blog is to inform and empower. Information is Light; Light is information…and when we allow ourselves to be permeated by all this lovely Cosmic Love energy, it translates into power of a personal nature. An awake, well-informed and self-empowered collective is what will change this world…and that’s what we’re living for and working towards.
It brings me Joy that we have a robust global readership. It brings me Joy that folks write in with sincere gratitude that they stumbled upon the blog at the exact right time in their lives. How joyful to know that we’ve been an inspiration and a catalyst for people around the world! That’s what we’re here for, and we’re committed to the work of raising the frequency of this space right up into the higher realms.
The Hope Chest is a non-profit organization and as such, we rely on You, our readers, to weave your threads in with ours. So many of you support us with Love and with Prayers, and it’s a juicy Joy Generator for us to be certain. We also face the day-to-day material needs to keep this blog running, and your financial support is vital to us and to our operations.
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In Gratitude and Joy…
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