An Absence of Fear
I live my life with a complete absence of fear. It is truly liberating. I do not worry about crime, or make decisions about where or when to visit based on safety and security. I do not concern myself with fear-mongering propaganda. I know that all is in Divine order.
It was not always like this. I was taught to fear, like we all have been. Fear of sickness, crime, poverty, pandemics, terrorists, war, global warming, mass migration, and whatever else the mainstream media decides to throw at you. Fear has been ingrained within us. Over time, I grew to understand fear as the antithesis of love. I share with you now three principal reasons why I live with an absence of fear.
The first is in the knowing and experience of God AS everything, and God IN everything. If God is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent then why fear? God has become everyone and everything. All serve the WILL of God. Some do it consciously. Most do it unconsciously. Even the so-called ‘evil’ beings are manifestations of God that serve His/Her Will for the greater good. We are all expressions of God. As God-Beings ourselves, we have untold power and control over where and what situations we find ourselves in. If we find ourselves in an undesirable situation, we can be sure it is for a purpose. Perhaps some lesson to be learnt or some Karma to be balanced.
Which brings us to the second reason- Karma. we cannot believe both in accident and karma. They are mutually exclusive. Whatever happens to us happens for a reason – our karma. In my article The Law of Karma Rebooted, I go into much detail on the intricacies of karma.
There I explain that karma is much more than an eye for an eye. Karma is lovingly geared towards our learning of Divine qualities as an evolving Soul. Sometimes certain ‘negative’ experiences are necessary in order to steer us in a certain direction. All of these are dictated by we ourselves, even before we incarnate in this lifetime.
The third reason can be considered a corollary of the above- The Law of Attraction. In short, this deals with energy and resonance frequencies. Whatever energy we hold in our beings carries a certain frequency which resonates and attracts like energy. When we carry energies of fear, we attract energies, situations, and people that resonate with the energy of fear. We attract fearful experiences to us.
This attraction is very literal. I do not intend here to go into much scientific explanation. Permit me to just say that physicists know that matter is energy in a state of vibration. Our very DNA absorbs, stores, and emits photons of light – a vibrational energy. We literally send out our thoughts and energies like a fisherman’s net, attract and attach like energies, and pull it back towards ourselves.
Coming into these three principal understandings has literally changed my life. I act now based not on Fear, but on trust in God’s Love.