(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)
As souls (jivas) in the afterlife, we study our past lives through the medium of the akashic record. This is a repository of all of our past lives and karma that we have accumulated. Many of Dr. Newton’s subjects reported the akashic record as appearing to them in the form of a book, the pages of which represented past lives.
Within each page they were able to view the past lives as though watching a movie, and furthermore, even experience each scene from multiple perspectives. In one subject’s case, he was able to re-experience a particular scene involving an argument with his father from both perspectives- father and son. It is this exchanging of perspectives, and the resultant emotions invoked through our behaviour that allows us to appreciate the need to perform good actions. It is not until we actually feel what the other person feels do we really understand the impact of our actions.
The akashic record provides us with an inventory of our karma. This is what is referred to as Sanchit karma. From an examination of our Sanchit karma, we begin to notice trends in our character development and take the necessary steps to achieve balance. It is important to realise that when we agree to experience karma from our Sanchit karma, it is not necessarily on a one-to-one basis. That is, it is not literally ‘an eye for an eye’. Rather, it presents opportunities to correct certain personality imbalances. These are always geared toward soul growth and development. In fact, this is the whole purpose of life and karma.
To take an example, suppose a soul notices that over a period of lives, it has a problem with forgiveness. Then to balance that tendency of being unforgiving, it may choose circumstances that will tend to bring out this quality in the soul. Now, the catch here is this. How can we learn to forgive if there is nothing to forgive? Thus, Dr. Newton’s subjects all speak of enlisting the aid of fellow soul travellers who would incarnate at the same time as us, and provide the necessary circumstances for us to grow and develop.
In this scenario, one or more souls who may be our best friends in the spirit world, will agree to be our antagonist in this life to give us the opportunity to learn to forgive. So that all souls involved actually plan certain events in advance, according to the karmic lessons necessary for each. It is likely then, in this scenario, that one soul will agree to perform an act that will hurt the other in some way, such that forgiveness is necessary. Dr. Wayne Dyer speaks about this as he recounts his personal experience of forgiveness with regard to his father. (1)
It is easy to see that the sages and mystics were right when they told us never to judge anyone else. In actuality, your greatest antagonist/enemy may be in effect your best friend in the spirit world who is playing his/her part to facilitate your own growth and development. Many of Dr. Newton’s subjects reported having this same experience under hypnosis.
Scripturally, there is support for the above research involving soul collaboration before incarnations. In Vedic astrology it is possible to determine the natal chart of one’s closest relatives including (but not limited to) mother, father, spouse, and siblings. It seems incredible that casting the natal chart with data for each of these relatives yields the same chart as when read from the individual. It is with the data from the research above that we can understand why this is so. In my article, The Five Bodies, examples are given from other scriptures including Islam and Christianity that also appear to support this idea.
Karma and astrology are very highly interrelated. An astrological natal (birth) chart gives an idea of the Prarabdha karma that the individual has brought with him/her to this particular lifetime. In addition it also gives an estimate of the time when certain events are likely to occur. My article, The Science of Astrology, shows that the position of the planets provides the clue as to the timing of certain events.
It is important to reiterate a major point of that article. The planets are but higher expressions of ourselves, being but part of ONE being of consciousness – God. Thus movement of the planets represent movement in the affairs of man, both individually and collectively. (See also my article on The Science of Consciousness.) The planets and planetary systems then work for our welfare and wellbeing. We are not the victims of the planets’ positions.
Souls in the spirit world, when preparing for an incarnation, choose carefully the timing of their entry (birth) into this world. They are careful to choose such a time that the position of the planets will yield the circumstances that will afford them the karmic opportunities that they planned for the life. For example, choosing a time where Saturn is prominent means that the individual will experience (drastic) changes as Saturn moves through the chart. Invariably, the change will be for the better. However, as most individuals are resistant to change, the process is often seen as being quite difficult.
As another example, a person undergoing the influence of Rahu, or Dragon Head in western astrology, will find themselves experiencing periods of anxiety, depression, and mental tension, along with frequent mood swings. As difficult as this is to go through, it is for the best. Rahu brings with it deep cleansing on an emotional, mental and physical level. It is through the blessings of Rahu that we will confront all of the hurt, pain, and abuse that we would have suffered through, not just in this this lifetime but in previous lifetimes. The purpose of course, is to heal and move on. Modern psychology uses just such an approach in its therapeutic practices.
The analogy is that of sweeping rubbish under the carpet to make the room look clean. After a while, we will have to deal with that which is under the carpet. This means coming face to face with everything that we swept under the rug. A rather messy process to be sure, but essential for our well being. The transit of Rahu will initiate the process.
Likewise, the other planets each provide their own blessings with opportunities for our growth. Very often however, these opportunities come in reverse, appearing as challenges. It is up to us to rise to the challenge to grasp the opportunities presented. This can be used to determine the karma that we have brought with us. Not just in terms of karmic reactions, but in terms of overall soul growth and development.
At this point, it is important to bear in mind that astrological charts are really a form of a quantum mechanical calculus whereby the superposition of the planets’ quantum probability waves gives estimates of the possibilities available to the individual. (See The Science of Astrology for details.) Therefore, not everything is pre-ordained. We still have free will to choose certain experiences. What we actually do experience in life is determined by our attained level of spiritual Consciousness. Here the law of attraction comes into play, affecting the possibilities that are presented to us.
In conclusion, this article examined the law of karma and its attendant law of reincarnation. We saw that karma is much more than a simple action-and-reaction principle. It is geared toward our soul growth and development over many lifetimes. Furthermore, we have a high degree of control over the process.
Through the medium of astrology, we can gain an insight into the karma that we brought with us and thus work on the issues that are presented to us for resolution. Through a deeper understanding of the law of karma as presented in this article, we can understand why certain circumstances in our life manifest. Armed with this knowledge, we can appreciate the deeper spiritual meaning of all events in our life. Thus, we’ll be equipped to make the necessary changes that allow us to live the life of our dreams.
(1) Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, “My Greatest Teacher: Forgiveness,” at httpss://www.drwaynedyer.com/blog/my-greatest-teacher/